On 10/15/19 12:11 PM, John R Levine wrote:
> I just heard a most interesting talk at M3AAWG about postquantum crypto and 
> particularly about the NIST candidate algorithms.  Many of them have much 
> larger key or signature sizes than any current algorithm, like 10,000 bits or 
> more.  Some are a lot slower than others.  Has anyone been looking at how 
> these algorithms would or would not work with DNSSEC?  

Yes. (More specifically: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hoffman-c2pq/, 
which is very casually being worked on in the CFRG.)

Or, define "work with". Falling back to TCP for getting DNSKEY records might 
not be a big deal.

Or, maybe wait until NIST has gotten more through the process, given that key 
size and signature size are among the many factors they are considering.

> NIST is accepting comments and the talk said they particularly want comments 
> from industry on how this would affect existing applications.
> I can imagine ways to make things work, e.g, hashes in some places rather 
> than signatures, but I don't understand DNSSEC in enough detail to figure out 
> what's a show stopper.

Or when the show stops. Or what to do if there are multiple selected algorithms 
with different features (speed, size of signatures, speed of signing, ...)

--Paul Hoffman
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