On 02/05/2020 09:09, Roy Arends wrote:
> Hi,
> Ed and I just submitted a new version of our private-use TLD draft. 
> https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-arends-private-use-tld-01.txt

While I do not have hard facts but just a gut feeling, I would feel
safer if "xn" is excluded from the possible list of private labels to be
used in the DNS, as it is used for prefix of IDNs.

Some, probably buggy, software could match on "xn" instead of "xn--" as
prefix to search for IDNs, and hence having "example.xn" could lead to

> This draft has substantial more information than the first draft. It explains 
> that a private-use namespace does not exist, why it is needed, and how a 
> namespace aligned with the user-assigned alpha-2 code elements in the 
> ISO-3166-1 standard can be used as private-use namespace.
> It contains plenty of examples of how user-assigned code elements are used in 
> the field, including other ISO standards, the UN, UNICODE, CAB/forum, and the 
> IETF itself.
> This new version came about after fruitful discussions with peers inside and 
> outside the IETF. Most discussions were productive. This has lead to the 
> removal of the advice/example to use ZZ, as it was distracting from the point 
> of the draft: these two-letter top level domains are available for 
> private-use. 

Thanks for the new draft version, the new content is useful indeed.

Patrick Mevzek

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