The more I think about draft-fujiwara-dnsop-delegation-information-signer, the 
more I think that it is much more complex than what we are doing now in DNSSEC, 
and therefore undesirable.

If the goal is "a way for a signer in a parent to sign child NS in a way that 
does not affect validators that have not been updated (or don't care)", a 
significantly easier solution would be a new RRtype (maybe called "CNSRRSIG") 
that closely mimics RRSIG but only allows child NS for signing. An aware signer 
included the CNSRRSIG in the zone, and an aware authoritative server includes 
in in the Authority section when serving child NS records. An aware resolver 
can use this, an unware resolver would treat it like any other unknown RRtype 
that appears in the Authority section.

There are probably a few other diffs from the RRSIG definition in RFC 403x, but 
they should be minor. This might make implementation more likely to be correct 
for signers, servers, and resolvers.


--Paul Hoffman

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