On Oct 28, 2021, at 10:16 AM, Roman Danyliw 
<r...@cert.org<mailto:r...@cert.org>> wrote:

3. Section 6 says applications should perform “full TCP segment reassembly”.
What does that mean? A quick google search doesn’t suggest it’s a well-known
term of art. I'm guessing that what you mean is that the applications should
capture (and log, etc) the bytestream that was segmented and transmitted by

I'll let the authors speak to this, but I think this means full TCP stream 
reassembly -- that is analyze, the reassembled stream, not the individual 
packets.  There is a long history of evasion attacks in network security 
analysis tools when individual fragments/packets are analyzed instead of the 
reassembled streams.

Right, that makes sense. It’s just not at all clear (at least, to me) from the 
text as written. I think more words will be required in order to make it clear. 
(Your sentence above seems like a good candidate for cutting and pasting.)


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