It's a small zone. Kinda important thou, i guess.


> On Nov 6, 2014, at 7:42 AM, ALAIN AINA <> wrote:
>> On Nov 6, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Mehmet Akcin wrote:
>> I would be glad to help with signing. I have experience signing some small 
>> zones
> Small zones like the root zone ??:-)
> --Alain
>> Mehmet 
>>> On Nov 6, 2014, at 7:09 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse <> wrote:
>>> Julie,
>>> as a heads up, the TechWg is considering to do a very lightweight key
>>> signing ceremony. Ie something for small (cc)TLDs, just the technical
>>> side, not the two-person rule thing.
>>> I'd like to have Rick Lamb help us if he can, but don't know who to ask.
>>> If that works out I would like to see this becoming a regular
>>> occurrence. And if that worked one could even look at increasing the
>>> levels...
>>> el
>>>> On 2014-11-06 16:07, Julie Hedlund wrote:
>>>> Call for Participation -- ICANN DNSSEC Workshop at ICANN 52 in Singapore
>>>> The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative and the Internet Society Deploy360
>>>> Programme, in cooperation with the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory
>>>> Committee (SSAC), are planning a DNSSEC Workshop at the ICANN 52 meeting
>>>> on 11 February 2015 in Singapore.  The DNSSEC Workshop has been a part
>>>> of ICANN meetings for several years and has provided a forum for both
>>>> experienced and new people to meet, present and discuss current and
>>>> future DNSSEC deployments.  For reference, the most recent session was
>>>> held at the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles on 15 October 2014. The
>>>> presentations and transcripts are
>>>> available at:   
>>>> We are seeking presentations on the following topics:
>>>> 1.  DNSSEC activities in Asia 
>>>> For this panel we are seeking participation from those who have
>>>> been involved in DNSSEC deployment in Asia and also from those who have
>>>> not deployed DNSSEC but who have a keen interest in the challenges and
>>>> benefits of deployment.  In particular, we will consider the following
>>>> questions:  What can DNSSEC do for you? What doesn't it do?  What are
>>>> the internal tradeoffs to implementing DNSSEC? What did you learn in
>>>> your deployment of DNSSEC?  We are interested in presentations from both
>>>> people involved with the signing of domains and people involved with the
>>>> deployment of DNSSEC-validating DNS resolvers.
>>>> 2.  Potential impacts of Root Key Rollover
>>>> Given many concerns about the need to do a Root Key Rollover, we would
>>>> like to bring together a panel of people who can talk about what the
>>>> potential impacts may be to ISPs, equipment providers and end users, and
>>>> also what can be done to potentially mitigate those issues. In
>>>> particular, we are seeking participation from vendors, ISPs, and the
>>>> community that will be affected by distribution of new root keys.  We
>>>> would like to be able to offer suggestions out of this panel to the
>>>> wider technical community.  If you have a specific concern about the
>>>> Root Key Rollover, or believe you have a method or solution to help
>>>> address impacts, we would like to hear from you.
>>>> 3.  New gTLD registries and administrators implementing DNSSEC
>>>> With the launch of the new gTLDs, we are interested in hearing from
>>>> registries and operators of new gTLDs about what systems and processes
>>>> they have implemented to support DNSSEC.  As more gTLDs are launched, is
>>>> there DNSSEC-related information that can be shared to help those
>>>> launches go easier?
>>>> 4.  Guidance for Registrars in supporting DNSSEC 
>>>> The 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) for registrars and
>>>> resellers requires them to support DNSSEC from  January 1, 2014. We are
>>>> seeking presentations discussing:
>>>> * What are the specific technical requirements of the RAA and how can
>>>> registrars meet those requirements?
>>>> * What tools and systems are available for registrars that include
>>>> DNSSEC support?
>>>> * What information do registrars need to provide to
>>>> resellers and ultimately customers?
>>>> We are particularly interested in hearing from registrars who have
>>>> signed the 2013 RAA and have either already implemented DNSSEC support
>>>> or have a plan for doing so. 
>>>> 5.  APIs between the Registrars and DNS hosting operators
>>>> One specific area that has been identified as needing focus is the
>>>> communication between registrars and DNS hosting operators, specifically
>>>> when these functions are provided by different entities.  Currently, the
>>>> communication, such as the transfer of a DS record, often occurs by way
>>>> of the domain name holder copying and pasting information from one web
>>>> interface to another. How can this be automated?  We would welcome
>>>> presentations by either registrars or DNS hosting operators who have
>>>> implemented APIs for the communication of DNSSEC information, or from
>>>> people with ideas around how such APIs could be constructed.
>>>> 6.  Implementing DNSSEC validation at Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
>>>> Internet Service Providers (ISPs) play a critical role by enabling
>>>> DNSSEC validation for the caching DNS resolvers used by their customers.
>>>> We have now seen massive rollouts of DNSSEC validation within large
>>>> North American ISPs and at ISPs around the world.  We are interested in
>>>> presentations on topics such as: 
>>>> * What does an ISP need to do to prepare its network for implementing
>>>> DNSSEC validation?  
>>>> * How does an ISP need to prepare its support staff and technical staff
>>>> for the rollout of DNSSEC validation?  
>>>> * What measurements are available about the degree of DNSSEC validation
>>>> currently deployed?  
>>>> * What tools are available to help an ISP deploy DNSSEC validation?
>>>> * What are the practical server-sizing impacts of enabling DNSSEC
>>>> validation on ISP DNS Resolvers (ex. cost, memory, CPU, bandwidth,
>>>> technical support, etc.)?
>>>> 7. The operational realities of running DNSSEC
>>>> Now that DNSSEC has become an operational norm for many
>>>> registries, registrars, and ISPs, what have we learned about how we
>>>> manage DNSSEC? What is the best practice around key rollovers? How often
>>>> do you review your disaster recovery procedures? Is there operational
>>>> familiarity within your customer support teams? What operational
>>>> statistics have we gathered about DNSSEC? Are there experiences being
>>>> documented in the form of best practices, or something similar, for
>>>> transfer of signed zones?
>>>> 8.  DNSSEC automation
>>>> For DNSSEC to reach massive deployment levels it is clear that a higher
>>>> level of automation is required than is currently available. Topics for
>>>> which we would like to see presentations include:
>>>> * What tools, systems and services are available to help automate DNSSEC
>>>> key management?
>>>> * Can you provide an analysis of current tools/services and identify gaps?
>>>> * Where are the best opportunities for automation within DNSSEC signing
>>>> and validation processes?
>>>> * What are the costs and benefits of different approaches to automation?
>>>> 9.  When unexpected DNSSEC events occur
>>>> What have we learned from some of the operational outages that we
>>>> have seen over the past 18 months? Are there lessons that we can pass on
>>>> to those just about to implement DNSSEC? How do you manage dissemination
>>>> of information about the outage? What have you learned about
>>>> communications planning? Do you have a route to ISPs and registrars? How
>>>> do you liaise with your CERT community?
>>>> 10.  DANE and DNSSEC applications
>>>> There is strong interest for DANE usage within web transactions as well
>>>> as for securing email and Voice-over-IP (VoIP). We are seeking
>>>> presentations on topics such as:
>>>> * What are some of the new and innovative uses of DANE and other DNSSEC
>>>> applications in new areas or industries?
>>>> * What tools and services are now available that can support DANE usage?
>>>> * How soon could DANE and other DNSSEC applications become a deployable
>>>> reality?
>>>> * How can the industry use DANE and other DNSSEC applications as a
>>>> mechanism for creating a more secure Internet?
>>>> We would be particularly interested in any live demonstrations of DNSSEC
>>>> / DANE applications and services.  For example, a demonstration of the
>>>> actual process of setting up a site with a certificate stored in a TLSA
>>>> record that correctly validates would be welcome.  Demonstrations of new
>>>> tools that make the setup of DNSSEC or DANE more automated would also be
>>>> welcome.
>>>> 11. DANE / DNSSEC as a way to secure email
>>>> The DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) protocol is an
>>>> exciting development where DNSSEC can be used to provide a strong
>>>> additional trust layer for traditional SSL/TLS certificates. We are both
>>>> pleased and intrigued by the growing usage of DANE and DNSSEC as a means
>>>> of providing added security for email. Multiple email servers have added
>>>> support for DANE records to secure TLS/SSL connections. Some email
>>>> providers are marketing DNSSEC/DANE support. We would like to have a
>>>> panel at ICANN 51 focusing on this particular usage of DANE. Are you a
>>>> developer of an email server or client supporting DANE?  Do you provide
>>>> DANE / DNSSEC support in your email service? Can you provide a brief
>>>> case study of what you have done to implement DANE / DNSSEC?  Can you
>>>> talk about any lessons you learned in the process?
>>>> 12.  DNSSEC and DANE in the enterprise
>>>> Enterprises can play a critical role in both providing DNSSEC validation
>>>> to their internal networks and also through signing of the domains owned
>>>> by the enterprise. We are seeking presentations from enterprises that
>>>> have implemented DNSSEC on validation and/or signing processes and can
>>>> address questions such as:
>>>> * What are the benefits to enterprises of rolling out DNSSEC validation?
>>>> And how do they do so?
>>>> * What are the challenges to deployment for these organizations and how
>>>> could DANE and other DNSSEC applications address those challenges?
>>>> * How should an enterprise best prepare its IT staff and network to
>>>> implement DNSSEC?
>>>> * What tools and systems are available to assist enterprises in the
>>>> deployment of DNSSEC?
>>>> * How can the DANE protocol be used within an enterprise to bring a
>>>> higher level of security to transactions using SSL/TLS certificates?
>>>> 13. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) use cases and innovation
>>>> We are interested in demonstrations of HSMs, presentations of
>>>> HSM-related innovations and real world use cases of HSMs and key
>>>> management. 
>>>> In addition, we welcome suggestions for additional topics.
>>>> If you are interested in participating, please send a brief (1-2
>>>> sentence) description of your proposed presentation to dnssec-
>>>> <>
>>>> <> by **Wednesday, 03 December 2014**
>>>> We hope that you can join us.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Julie Hedlund
>>>> On behalf of the DNSSEC Workshop Program Committee:
>>>> Mark Elkins, DNS/ZACR
>>>> Cath Goulding, Nominet UK
>>>> Jean Robert Hountomey, AfricaCERT
>>>> Jacques Latour, .CA
>>>> Xiaodong Lee, CNNIC
>>>> Luciano Minuchin, NIC.AR
>>>> Russ Mundy, Parsons
>>>> Ondřej Surý, CZ.NIC
>>>> Yoshiro Yoneya, JPRS
>>>> Dan York, Internet Society
>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
>>>            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
>>> PO Box 8421             \     /
>>> Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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