On 09-Mar-15 07:29, Tony Finch wrote:
> Robert Martin-Legene <rob...@pch.net> wrote:
>> Does anyone have experiences using haveged for PRNG? When generating
>> DNSSEC keys on a virtual server is takes a looong time to get
>> randomness.
> My view is that haveged might be snake-oil, but it is a useful way of
> fixing braindamage in the Linux implementation of /dev/random.
> An RNG should block until it has been securely seeded, and after that it
> should run freely. Linux /dev/urandom fails to block and /dev/random fails
> to run freely. Sigh. Haveged at least fixes the /dev/random bogus entropy
> estimation, but you should also check that your distro ensures the RNG is
> properly initialized e.g. using a random seed file.
> http://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2014-February/019920.html
> http://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@randombit.net/msg04763.html
> http://sockpuppet.org/blog/2014/02/25/safely-generate-random-numbers/
> http://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/
> https://pthree.org/2014/07/21/the-linux-random-number-generator/
> Tony.
Without getting too far into the philosophical argument, a practical note:

Since I switched to a (securely distributed) hardware-based entropy
source, blocking hasn't been a problem.

My cheap USB device generates entropy faster than it's practical to
consume it.   Well, if you have local access to /dev/random,
you can draw the pool down with dd.  But then you have other issues... 
What I mean is that running a normal load, /dev/random doesn't block.  
And the entropy sources in CPUs are several orders of magnitude faster.

If you're happy with /dev/urandom, but worry about failure to initialize
the pool, there is a simple solution.
Read one bye from /dev/random, which will block until the pool is
seeded.  After that call returns, use
/dev/urandom...  Or if you have a hardware device, you're OK once it
starts feeding the pool.  Modulo the
'malicious entropy source' argument. Again, if someone managed to
connect such a device to your machine,
you have other big issues.  And, as I noted, a tool to detect faults
that doesn't require a math degree to interpret
would be a good thing.  Until someone corrupts the tool.  When you stop
worrying depends on your threat
evaluation.  But that's the philosophical argument.

haveged has the issues that I noted previously when a machine is idle. 
The above work-around  may make
haveged a rather large hammer for a pretty small nail.  You should
reconsider its use when dealing with idle (a.k.a secure) machines, and
when your machine acquires a CPU with an entropy source.


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