I'm looking for real-life examples of DNSSEC delegations that are more than 3
levels deep.  "isoc.org" is for instance, .->org, org->isoc, isoc.org->RRset.
Yes, I can fabricate some, but I want to be able to point to real world
situations where this is occuring.
[cra.gc.ca *ought* to be a good example, and they ought to be using DANE too,
but my government is too lame for DNSSEC]

ox.ac.uk would be a good example, as ac.uk is signed, and not run by uk,
but ox.ac.uk is not signed.
nominet.org.uk -- doesn't work as org.uk is not a cut point.
gov.uk would work, are there signed entries under that?
co.uk won't work, as uk runs that, AFAIK.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [
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