Invitation to Informal Gathering of DNSSEC Implementers in Dublin, Ireland,
19 October 2015


On behalf of the DNSSEC Deployment Initiative DNSSEC Implementers are
invited to attend an informal gathering to discuss and exchange information
on their DNSSEC implementation experiences during the ICANN 54 meeting in
Dublin, Ireland, sponsored by Afilias.  This is a unique opportunity to meet
with and talk to key implementers, such as Afilias, CIRA, NIC.AR, SIDN,
NIC.BR, CNNIC, JPRS, CZNIC, and others.  We do ask that in order to
participate you should come prepared to say a few words about your
experiences. This is a peer-to-peer event for implementers.


When: Monday, 19 October, 1700-2000 local time

Where: The location (which will be very near the Convention Center) and
directions will be provided along with the confirmations to those who have
sent in RSVPs.

Note that this event is in addition to the other DNSSEC events scheduled
during the ICANN meeting.  These are:


Monday, 19 October, 1730-1900, DNSSEC for Everybody:

Wednesday, 21 Otober, 0900-1515, DNSSEC Workshop:

For further events see the full schedule at:

** Please RSVP to  no later than COB Wednesday, 14 October if you would like
to attend.**

Julie Hedlund, on behalf of the DNSSEC Deployment Initiative

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