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From:                   "Wal Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                CIRN 2005 - 24-26 August, Cape Town
Date sent:              Thu, 13 Jan 2005 13:15:53 +1100

Hi Steven,


We plan to make it an interesting time for delegates with pre & post
conference tours to the township initiatives in Pretoria,
and Cape Town where public service delivery and community interaction
have been doing some very innovative work in the social appropriation
of ICT for participation.

We are also hosting the South African chapter of the WWW conference
the week following CIRN 2005 and are presenting negotiating with the
WSIS Civil Society Bureau to finalise a two day WSIS-CS colloquium on
principles of evaluation of funded projects. So, two refereed papers,
a colloquium and two short tours for one international airfare.

Cape Town is of course one of the best kept secrets in the world;  a
lovely place, lots to do and see. And I thought you maybe able to
create some interest in the conference and in building some useful
learning network links.

Wal Taylor

Call for Papers CIRN 2005

24-26 August 2005, Cape Town South Africa

The Community Informatics Research Network (CIRN) 2005 Conference is
open to receive research, policy and praxis based papers around the
major theme of ‘partnerships’. Conference website
http://www.cirn2005.org <http://www.cirn2005.org/>

Community Informatics is principally involved with the social
appropriation of ICT for local benefit

The practice of community informatics usually involves role players
with diverse interests, and many of the benefits are found in the
combination of different role players' interests and resources.  The
main role players in CI are found in civil society, government,
business and individuals. CIRN 2005 will highlight the interactions
between these sectors in delivering local benefit.

Increasing availability of ICT highlights the need for new
partnerships between and within civil society, the public sector and
business.  It moves the agenda beyond simple questions of access, to
effective use.  This challenges the current roles, responsibilities
and activities in civil society, government and business.  Experience
is demonstrating that neither 'top down' nor 'bottom up' approaches
are consistently delivering universal benefit; rather, partnerships
are providing significant value propositions in the emerging
information economy.  Further, whilst the relationships between
business and government are quite well understood, the relationships
between civil society and business, government and individuals in the
emerging information age are still in formative stages.

The conference is designed for researchers, policymakers, community
leaders, ICT project leaders, government officials and regional
community development groups who have interests, skills and
in the social appropriation of ICT

Critical dates:

Abstracts and panel proposals 1 February 2005.

Notification of acceptance 15 February 2005

Full refereed papers due 15 March 2002,

Notification of acceptance 15 May  2005

Final papers due 30 June 2005

Contributions are invited from both developed and developing
countries, but within the intended theme of the conference:

• Academic papers will be double-blind refereed and published in the
conference proceedings.

• Papers that are not intended for refereeing are welcome and will be
published separately.

• Case studies describing ICT related interventions and initiatives
within communities are invited.

• Posters describing planned work or work in progress are also

• Proposals for panels within areas closely related to community
informatics are encouraged

A PhD colloquium will be conducted and these presentations will be
reviewed by a panel of leading CI researchers.

Executive Committee

• Prof Andy Bytheway (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South

• Dr Peter Day (Brighton University, United Kingdom)

• Prof Fiorella de Cindio (University of Milan, Italy)

• Prof Geoff Erwin (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South

• Prof Susana Finquelievich (University of Buenos Aries, Argentina)

• Prof Mike Gurstein (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)

• Prof Marlien Herselman, (Tshwane University of Technology, SA)

• Prof Don Schauder (Monash University, Australia)

• Prof Wal Taylor (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South

Prof Wal Taylor (PhD)

Professor Community Informatics

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Cape Town, South Africa.

Home page:   http://www.cqnet.com.au/~user/waltaylor

Has your library pre-ordered

Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities with Information and
Communication Technology.

Hershey, PA. Idea Group Publishing. 2005


You may also wish to view the recently published books:
'Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions'

Eds. Marshall, Taylor & Yu.

'Closing the Digital Divide'  Eds. Marshall, Taylor & Xu.
intID= >  'Current IT Issues in Education' Ed. Tanya McGill

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