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MySociety.org is one of the world's most dynamic centres of e-
democracy innovation. Its associates, both independently and together
in a official capacity, are is churning out smart e-democracy sites
that have the right kind of mojo to turn heads.

See the press release listed below.

http://WritetoThem.com is a follow-on to FaxYourMP. Other projects
from those who associate with mySociety (most of them in a volunteer
capacity) have worked with projects such as:


With access to this collective intellectual capital, ideas are sure
to flow. Here are the projects they have coming down the pipe with
support in part from a UK government innovations fund:

    GiveItAway - Lowering the barriers to giving stuff away, instead of
    throwing it away.

    PledgeBank - Want to help a cause, but worried that your effort will
    make no difference?

    FaxYourRepresentative - The working name for WriteToThem.com

    NotApathetic - Don't want to vote, but also not apathetic? Let them
    know why.

    YourConstituencyMailingList - Want to hear from your MP & discuss
    what they say?

They are building these tools in an open source sort of way.  I'd
love to see versions of these tools adapted and deployed in many
countries. My friends at mySociety have a special page just for non-
UK folks trying to figure out what is relevant to them:

Steven Clift

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Date sent:              Mon, 14 Feb 2005 13:40:16 +0000
From:                   Tom Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                WriteToThem.com



WriteToThem.com (Launching Today) allows British Citizens to write to
any of their elected representatives, from MPs to councillors, easily
and for free.

Date: Monday 14th February 2004 - For immediate release

Contact: Tom Steinberg - 07811 082158 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What it Does

mySociety is pleased to announce the beta launch of WriteToThem.com
WriteToThem.com allows any British citizen to discover the identity
and then send a message to any of their elected representatives, for

When a user visits the site, they enter a postcode, after which they
are shown a list of their elected representatives, along with their
various remits. WriteToThem covers Councillors, Members of
Members of the European Parliament, Northern Irish, Welsh and London
assembly members, and members of the Scottish Parliament. The service
then faxes or emails the representatives accordingly. The focus on
ultra-usability keeps the skill, time and hassle required to an
absolute minimum. The Goal

Much is written about the reasons why democracy appears to be in
trouble. mySociety believes that one of the simplest explanations is
that it isn't easy enough for citizens to get in touch with their
elected representatives. Most people don't know who their
or MEPs, or MPs are, let alone how to get in touch with them.
FaxYourMP proved over several years that if you provide a simple,
attractive system that is trusted by both citizens and
representatives, you will successfully build better connections
between the electorate and the elected. 60% of people using FaxYourMP
reported that they'd never contacted their MPs before.

WriteToThem.com takes this to a new level by connecting citizens with
those crucial but less-well-know representatives; politicians who
often have far more power over the issues they really care about than
just their MPs. mySociety

mySociety is a charitable project founded by former policy analyst
Steinberg, in conjunction with the grassroots community of volunteers
who built FaxYourMP. It's mission is to build sites that deliver
simple, tangible benefits to citizens at very low cost per person
helped. Tom was inspired by the success of the hugely popular and
multi-award winning volunteer run FaxYourMP.com. He was especially
influenced by the principles it embodied, but frustrated by what he
saw as a failure in the voluntary and public sectors to understand
this site was so useful, so popular, and so well loved.

He launched mySociety with a call for ideas and proposal from the
public in October 2003. In March 2004 mySociety was awarded funding
from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's e-innovations fund
below), and in September 2004 development started on WriteToThem.com,
the successor to FaxYourMP.com

mySociety is the project of registered charity UKCOD.
Public-Voluntary Partnership

mySociety has been funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime
e-Innovation's Fund, through a partnership with West Sussex County
Council. The purpose of the e-Innovation funds is "To encourage
practical examples of new and innovative approaches to joined up
working, effective service delivery and community engagement." By
partnering with mySociety ODPM has tapped into the rich vein of
grassroots civic programming, combining the reach and the resources
government with the specialist skills and established reputation of
sites like FaxYourMP.com and TheyWorkForYou.com. mySociety will be
producing four more projects from e-innovations funding over the next
few months. Other Support

mySociety is extremely grateful to Government Evaluations, a company
which gathers and sells contact data on elected and unelected
officials across UK government. GovEval has sponsored WriteToThem
free provision of data, and we are hugely grateful for this support.

Brian Eno, Musician & Thinker:

"Politicians bewail the apathy of voters, but fail to address the
reason: people don't feel engaged in their government, and don't feel
empowered to alter anything that it does in their name. Since this
engagement and empowerment is the fundamental precondition of
democracy, this is a serious deficit.

Tools such as these address this issue by bringing government right
into your living room and onto your monitor. They encourage
engagement, and they encourage the formation of active communities of
interest. It is not an exaggeration to suggest that the future of
democracy might come to depend on them."

Richard Allan MP, Member for Sheffield Hallam:

"Well-designed, easy to use, comprehensive and fit for purpose -
WriteToThem is everything a good website should be, and will I am
form an important block in building links between people and their

Roland Mezulis, Chief e-Government Strategist, West Sussex County

"The partnership between West Sussex County Council and mySociety
looks like it will be very fruitful and enable us to develop
that will allow closer community engagement and open new channels for
communication. WriteToThem is the first example of a series of
innovative approaches that the partnership will sponsor and that will
offer new ideas for local authorities to support sustainable local

Stephen Coleman, Professor of e-Democracy, Oxford Internet Institute:

"Representative democracies in the digital age need new communication
tools and ways of facilitating interactive communication. WriteToThem
is a perfect example of such a simple democratic tool."

Nigel Evans MP, Member for Ribble Valley and Fulwood:

"As an MP it is amazing how many letters I receive which should be
going to other MPs....people take a guess as to who their MP is and
sometimes this involves a delay in getting that correspondence
to the right MP- this system takes away the mistakes- and therefore
urgent messages can be dealt with more swiftly. It also means that
constituent doesnt need to be overly concerned by any boundary
that will happen after the next election, and is happening in
at this election.

I want to be contactable, and I would encourage as many constituents
to use this system as possible. Instant communications is the name of
the game, and this tool will deliver it to a growing number of

Contact: Tom Steinberg - 07811 082158 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
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