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Date sent:              Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:47:50 -0400
Send reply to:          Jim Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   Jim Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                CTG Web News: CTG Releases New State-Local Gateway 
Prototype Tech
                nical Report
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Welcome to CTG Web News (Volume VIII, Issue 4), a distribution list
created to alert you to new information about CTG's projects,
products, and activities. Summaries and links to related pages may be
found on our site at www.ctg.albany.edu.

*       CTG Releases New State-Local Gateway Prototype Technical
Report *       Brown Bag on May 19th - Managing Web sites: An
investigation into the challenges faced by public sector managers. *

    Employment Opportunity - Communications Manager

NY State-Local Internet Gateway Prototype Technical Report Released

The NY State-Local Internet Gateway Prototype was the result of a
long-term collaboration among CTG staff and corporate and agency
partners.  This report describes the technical development of the
prototype and the roles played by each partner. Each phase is
highlighted including prototype design, development, testing, and
support. The report concludes with lessons learned and considerations
for future development.

The report can be downloaded at

Upcoming Brown Bag -  The Challenges of Managing Web Sites.

Join us Thursday, May 19th at 12:15pm for a one-hour discussion of
challenges of managing agency Web sites. The discussion will help us
shape an upcoming project on strategies for web management.  We want
to hear from participants about issues associated with Web content
management, workflow management, web design, etc. Bring your lunch,
share your experience, and learn from your colleagues.

To sign up, register at

Employment Opportunity at CTG - Communications Manager

CTG has an excellent opportunity for a skilled writer and media
specialist to support the outreach efforts of the Center. The
is responsible for managing, promoting, marketing and disseminating
information about CTG's projects and products as well as expanding
Center's outreach efforts within academic, government, research, and
corporate communities.

For more information about the position

You can leave the list at any time by sending e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] In the body of your message type
"signoff ctgwebnews" (without the quotation marks). Leave the subject
line blank.

For questions or comments about CTG's programs or publications
us at www.ctg.albany.edu/contact/.

Thank you,

Center for Technology in Government
University at Albany
State University at New York
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Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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USA    -   -   -   -   -       MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

UK Office Hours - 1pm - 11pm  -   -  T:  0870.340.1266
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