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It is great to see e-democracy tools spreading from one place to
another. While stand along home grown options might seem at first
most attractive, the lack of e-democracy resources mean we have to
pool together with a mix of reusable open source and lower cost
proprietary systems.

Steven Clift

Also see:
"Scottish Parliament e-Petitioner: Finalist for eEurope Award for
eGovernment August 2005"



e-Petitioner Bundestag launch

 On the Thursday 1st September the German Parliament launches its
first "eParliament" system - the e-Petitioner.

The e-petitioner system will provide citizens with a means to voice
their concerns through the formal processes of the Bundestag. The e-
petitioning model was developed through a close collaboration the
International Teledemocracy Centre here at Napier University, BT and
the Scottish Parliament. This model is unique in that it is open to
any citizen to raise and sign an e-petition, or to add comments to an
online discussion if they wish.

e-Petitioner transforms an old style of public petitioning. It
overcomes, lack of awareness, illegible signatures, lack of
information, lack of debate and lack of feedback and instead provides
an open, accountable and deliberative participation process.

In Europe, the success of e-petitioner can be illustrated by its
selection as a finalist for an eEurope Award at the Ministerial
eGovernment Conference in Manchester in November. Funded by the
European Commission the awards recognise innovation and good practice
in eGovernment in Europe. The evaluation panel recommended the e-
petitions system as follows:
This system uses simple and elegant technology to enable citizens to
access high level decision making processes;
is high, because it promotes community democracy through easy access
to the decision making body;
This is a high impact project which represents a good model for other
eDemocracy initiatives.
 Professor Ann Macintosh gave a brief talk at the Bundestag on
Wednesday about the e-petitioner system. Ahead of her visit she
"I am very pleased that our e-Petitioner system is being adopted by
the German Parliament. It will provide German citizens with a means
to voice their concerns through the formal processes of the
Bundestag. Having worked with The Scottish Parliament to develop the
e-petitioning model, it is very exciting to see the concept being
accepted by the Bundestag."

Speaking ahead of the launch, Michael McMahon MSP, Convener of the
Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament said:
"Over the past few years we have enjoyed a close working relationship
with our colleagues in the German Bundestag Petitions Committee and
we are delighted that they have decided to adopt an e-petitions
system based on our own. This is an excellent example of the
Parliament's adoption of innovative techniques and modern procedures,
having a global impact."

At the launch Mr Klaus Guttmacher, Chairman of the Petitions
Committee of the German Bundestag said: "Our "Public Petitions"
system has been developed in close collaboration with our friends in
Edinburgh on the basis of the Scottish model. We intend to test out
this addition to our petitions system in an initial two-year trial.
The German Bundestag's online presence will hence be expanded to
include the heading "Öffentliche Petition" or "public Petitions". In
contract to other internet forums the results in this instance will
feed directly into the practical work of parliament."

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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UK Office Hours - 1pm - 11pm  -   -  T:  0870.340.1266
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