***  Democracies Online Newswire  -  http://dowire.org ***
***  Headlines from top blogs: http://dowire.org/feeds ***

Below is my draft list of updated feeds on the DoWire web site:

http://dowire.org/feeds  OR

>From this page you can see the last four headlines from a number of 
sources.  It has a mix of e-democracy, e-government, citizen media, 
non-profit tech and politics of technology feeds. I am trying to 
limit this to blogs/feeds with at least two new posts a month.

I am interested in adding non-English e-democracy specific blogs and 
your input on missing blogs or various RSS feed sources of value:


Steven Clift

Alexa Samuel's Otherwise Engaged 
Andy Carvin's Waste of Bandwidth 
Aspiration Tech - Better Tools for a Better World 
Audio Activism 
Beth Novek's Cairns Blog 
Center for Democracy and Technology 
Corante Many-to-Many 
CyberAtlas - Click Z 
Dan Gilmor - Citizen Journalism 
David Farber's Interesting People 
David Fletcher's Government and Technology 
David Wilcox's Designing for Civil Society 
Declan McCullagh's Politech 
Del.icio.us Links - e-democracy 
Del.icio.us Links - e-government 
DoWire - Democracies Online Newswire E-mail List (Moving Soon) 
DoWire - Newswire (via new blog) 
DoWire - Steven Clift's Notes (All blog posts) 
E-Media Tidbits 
EList - Cyberpunks 
EList - Global Knowledge for Development 
EList - Nettime-l 
Electronic Frontier Foundation 
Federal Computer Week 
Federal Computer Week - Culture and Context of Dig Gov 
Furl Links - e-democracy 
Furl Links - e-government 
Global Voices 
Google News - Online campaigning 
Google News for "e-democracy" 
Google News for "e-government" 
Government Technology Magazine 
Harvard's Berkman Center 
Hypergene MediaBlog - Participatory Journalism 
Ideal Government - UK 
JD Lasica's New Media Musings 
Jason Kitcat - e-democracy posts 
John Gotze 
Louise Ferguson - City of Bits 
Mikhail Doroshevich's Information Policy 
National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation Happenings 
Network-centric Advocacy 
Online Parliamentarian - e-democracy notes from Scotland 
Open Source in Government 
Perfect.co.uk - E-Democracy 
Personal Democracy Forum 
Phil Windley's Technometria 
Politics & Technology - Mandate Media 
Politics Online - ePolitics Buzz Brief 
Potlach - Will Davies UK 
PublicTechnology.Net News - UK 
Quick Links 
ReadMyDay UK Project Blog w/ Griff Wigley 
Slashdot - Your Rights Online 
Social Software Blog 
TechSoup - Tech for Non-Profits 
Technorati for "e-democracy" 
Technorati for "e-government" 
The Register - Internet and Law 
Waypath for "Internet campaigning" 
Waypath for "e-democracy" 
Waypath for "e-government" 
Wendy Selter's Legal Tags 
^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -   - T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -     Skype/MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

Join Democracies Online: http://dowire.org
Start an Issues Forum: http://e-democracy.org/if

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