*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

Whew, this story is sparking some interest.  Ted Koppel brought it up last
night in the Nader/Ventura Townhall on Nightline an it was a top side cover
story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

My basic take is that the story will have a much greater influence on the
vote than actual use of these sites.  It builds awareness of the electoral
college and the fact that it doesn't hurt Gore in Bush solid states to vote
Nader and in swing states a Nader vote is a pretty big deal.  As long as no
money exchanges hands and the vote swapping remains voluntary, I think this
is a free speech and freedom of association Internet-era activity.  Vote
swapping is a form of multi-state vote cancelling.  Think of this way, you
and your housemate or spouse get in a political argument, out of spite you
decide to cancel their vote by voting against their candidate.  If this
form of communication isn't illegal, how can you tell someone that they
can't communicate with someone else voluntarily and voluntarily allow it
influence themselves in the voting booth?  Vote trading might be unethical
and a stupid thing for any political organization to promote overt or
covertly, but that does not mean you should restrict group communication on
the Internet.  Online political speech and association should not be more
regulated than legal pornography.

Below are three posts - one from Thom Wysong, another from the Voting
Integrity Project, and finally the real story about the Internet and last
minute citizen-to-citizen election influence.  I am getting handful of cc:
messages everyday on this whole Nader/Gore thing - from _individuals_ e-
mailing their friends as well as random e-mail online petitions.  Having
just thrown a dart at the board ;-) it tells me that 95 percent of all
online political group communication occurs privately among friends and
family - in social networks via E-MAIL.  In the last week of the election
don't be surprised if the e-mail masses have a great "politics online
moment" that greatly influences the soft Nader/Bush/Gore/Other supporters
and perhaps gets a few remaining undecideds to choose a candidate because
X,Y,Z friends e-mail (tell) them to do so.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

Date sent:              Tue, 31 Oct 2000 05:05:15 -0500
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Thom Wysong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Vote Traders Getting Ambushed

Late last week I posted some information on these vote-trading sites to
ClueBot. I'd like to encourage your DO-WIRE subscribers to read through
some additional information before thinking too seriously about trading,
or swapping, their vote.

In particular, one critic seems to think that that vote-swapping is
illegal in the US. If this is true, vote-swappers could be in for legal
trouble with the government.

Also, it appears that the vote-trading sites are getting ambushed by
people at the FreeRepublic website. Some of the comments posted encourage
FreeRepublic people (Bush supporters) to join VoteExchange (one of the
vote-trading sites) and pose as a Nader supporter from a battleground
state, willing to trade a vote with a Gore supporter from elsewhere. This
way they would, theoretically at least, get Gore voters to switch to
Nader. I've also heard of people signing up multiple times, with different
bogus identities and email addresses.

If the vote-swapping numbers were large enough (which doesn't seem
likely), this ambush tactic would help to erode support for Gore and
strengthen Bush's position.

The bottom-line seems to be that if you sign up to swap votes with
someone, don't be too sure that they'll vote for your candidate -
regardless of what they say online.

The critic/this-is-illegal page is ...

The "ambush" page is ...
http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39f86fd9739e.htm  (read the whole page
to get the best idea of what they're up to)

The ClueBot page is ....
http://www.cluebot.com/articles/00/10/27/1446240.shtml (comments can be
posted here)


Date sent:              Thu, 26 Oct 2000 13:25:07 -0400 (EDT)
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Lorrie Faith Cranor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Internet vote trading !?

[Deborah Phillips from VIP sent me this. --LFC]

An alert VIP supporter just provided URL's for some sort of vote-swapping
scheme being organized via the Internet. It is rather ingeneous and is
based on an agreement by third party voters to vote for leading candidates
in key precincts in exchange for leading candidate supporters in those
less critical precincts agreeing to vote for the third party candidates.

To access the sites and get a more detailed explanation please go to:



Some people have entirely too much time on their hands if you ask me!

But, nevertheless, I think such a scheme is just as illegal under federal
and state law as selling your vote, because you are agreeing to accept
"consideration" for your vote. Consideration in this case being a vote
more favorable to your candidate in a key precinct.  If I am correct about
this, this is a felony and SHOULD BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!

Please let me know your thoughts and if you are an official in a position
to do something about this, please do it now.

By the way, the perpetrators of VoteAuction.Com are now claiming this
whole site is just a hoax.  How convenient! Now that the arm of law seems
to be ready to strike, they claim it is just a hoax.  Well, how would we
ever know if consideration (in this case money) had exchanged hands.  If
it is a hoax, the only way they can prove at this point that they are not
violating the law is to open up their site to enforcement officials.
Now's the time for the FBI to step in and confirm or deny what has been
going on.

I will be so glad when this election is over!

Best regards,


Deborah M Phillips
Chairman and President
"Defending Your Freedom By Protecting Your Vote"
(888) 578-4343
PO Box 6470
Arlington VA 22206

===================================================================== This
message was distributed through the e-lection mailing list. For info and
archives see http://www.research.att.com/~lorrie/voting/

>From (good URL today only):

- clip -

Minnesota Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer wants it to halt,
though. While the U.S. Attorney's office in Minnesota said Tuesday that
vote-trading sites violate no federal election laws, Kiffmeyer said all
the sites, including Win-Win's, are illegal in Minnesota.

``This is selling the electoral process. This is not the right use of the
Internet or of your vote,'' she said. The secretary of state said her
office intends to contact the trading sites and will issue a statement
today condemning the practice.

Rick Stafford, chairman of the Gore campaign in Minnesota, isn't thrilled
about the vote swapping either.

``They (the traders) have good intentions, but we're not encouraging it,''
he said. ``If (the Nader traders) can't compromise a little bit . . . they
shouldn't be playing games and trading their votes with other people in
other states.''

Steven Clift, editor of Democracies Online Newsletter and one of the
world's leading online democracy experts, criticized efforts to shut down
the sites, saying they trample on free speech and the right of people to
organize politically.

He said he thinks the ultimate impact of the trading sites will not be the
direct transfer of votes but in raising the level of awareness among Nader
supporters of the impact of their votes.

O'Connor, the Internet veteran, compared the phenomenon to Napster, the
controversial company that allows people to share music files over the
Internet without paying for them.

``I think the Internet is like water -- it runs around institutions that
have existed since the horse and buggy days . . . like the Electoral


Here is the real story about how private group communication is influencing
the vote ...

From:                   "Martha XXXXXXXXXXXX
Subject:                Fwd: Getting the word out!
Date sent:              Wed, 01 Nov 2000 09:31:04 CST

Hello, all,

My sister passed this on to me and I thought I should try and get the word
out to my liberal/progressive friends, especially those who are
considering a vote for Mr. Nader.  And with some of you, I don't know
exactly where you stand on politics, so I'm sending this to you, too.

Though I respect Ralph Nader and agree with him more than any other
candidate, I'm not convinced that he would be an effective president.
President Carter is an amazing, brilliant man, but he was not an effective
president.  I think Nader would be even less effective because he doesn't
know how to play the partisan politics game.  As stupid as it is, you
gotta play the game in order to get anything done.

Add to this the fact that a vote for Nader is really a vote for W, at
least in the swing states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Washington,
Oregon, and Florida, and I know I can't vote for Nader knowing it will
help W.  (Illinois may not be a swing state, but Gore's lead is precarious
at best.)

So read what a poli sci professor has to say -- or at least read the last
paragraph of the forwarded message.  It might not change your mind, but
it's a good overview of what we'll be dealing with if W is elected.



>From: Meredith XXXXXXXXXXXX
>Subject: Getting the word out!
>Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 23:01:18 -0600
>Hey Martha and Kamesha,
>I just got this message from my friend Stephanie.  She's the Nader
>supporter I told you about.  I think the message from her friend Amy
is a
>great one to get out to other Nader supporters, so if you know

> >Here is a message my friend Amy took the time to write to me.  She
> >hasn't changed my mind, but I think the least I can do is share
> >point of
> >Amy is a Political Science professor at U-Maine, a friend from our
U of
> >M days in the Twin Cities.  She is one of us, only more so.
> >
> >
> >Steph
> >
> >
> >
> >----Original Message Follows----
> >To: "Stephanie XXXXXXXXXXXX
> >Subject: Re: Fwd: Spread the word. Quickly]]]]]
> >Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 19:32:05 -0500
> >
> >
> >Steph - I remember 1980, too.  I was
> >living in Berkeley and working at the
> >Berkeley Free Clinic and my friends
> >told me that a Reagan victory would be
> >good for the left.  So Reagan was
> >elected and I saw the money dry up to
> >take care of real people right in front
> >of me, and those who couldn't properly
> >care for their children and their
> >health anymore. For me, then, and
> >now, those real people trump slogans
> >like "Al Gore, corporate whore."
> >
> >
> >  And
> >the left?  Oh yes, it got active, in
> >order to try and stop the war against
> >Nicaragua and the murderous military
> >govt of El Salvador. And did it lead to
> >a move to the left overall?  No, the
> >moderates in the Dem party, that's when
> >they got active, because they didn't
> >rely on the easy choice of being
> >outsiders, they organized within the
> >party (just as the religious right did
> >to take over the Republican party).
> >(And why won't leftists do that?  Too
> >hard because people who have the luxury
> >of being purists now might have to work
> >with someone who doesn't share all
> >their views?)  So Reagan ushered in the
> >era of the Democratic Leadership
> >Council. That's what 1980 led to.
> >
> >
> >Maybe the left
> >will get organized again. Yes, with
> >Bush and a Republican Congress in
> >control, there will be plenty to
> >protest.  Personally, I have a whole
> >lot of other things to do in the next 4
> >years - than to fight the repeal of
> >environmental laws, and the passage of
> >anti-choice, anti-gay, pro-corporate
> >legislation.  But if you want to work
> >hard to keep what we have now, then I
> >guess Nader is the right choice.
> >Because the all - Republican national
> >government will make sure you'll have a
> >lot to do.  The undecideds will a) not
> >vote - perhaps only half will do so and
> >b) will be affected by the criticisms
> >of Nader which are consonant with the
> >character attacks made by Bush, c) will
> >vote anti-incumbent, if tradition
> >guides, which is also for Bush, and d)
> >a few might vote for Gore.  Sure seems
> >like Bush knows this, if you consider
> >that the Republicans are now running
> >ads with Nader speaking against Gore.

> >   I'm sorry if I sound harsh, because I
> >do respect you.  But in fact right now
> >- if you live in a swing state (and I
> >do, too) -- a vote for Nader will help
> >elect Bush.  And I hope my Naderite
> >friends will think about what it will
> >feel like the day that the Supreme
> >court gets an anti-choice majority, or
> >Bush signs the congressional ban on
> >RU-486 or the new rule requiring that
> >all existing and proposed environmental
> >laws pass a cost-benefit analysis or
> >repealing a myriad of tobacco control
> >and consumer protection laws. Because
> >they may not be talking about it now
> >but that is their real agenda, one that
> >Bush has blurred with his careful
> >manipulation, and that is the one he'll
> >seek.

> >   Be well, Amy

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Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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