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Two that stand out "e-democracy" wise:

SB 1820
Adopted 1/18/01
Requires that all formal sessions of the Senate during which the
general appropriation bill is considered is webcast live on the
Internet, if not broadcast on live television.

AB 60
Signed by governor 6/8/01, Chapter 484
Requires a public body to post a notice of its meetings on its
website on the Internet if the public body maintains such a website.
Sponsor:  Assembly Member Beers

Here is my proposal for an online public notice law in Minnesota:

This is from E-Democracy's Legislative Study Group e-mail list (which
lost steam once the main committee deadlines past in MN ... next
year) <http://www.e-democracy.org/study/>.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online


as of 6-26-01
Technology Management and Policymaking
Electronic Filing
Public Records
Services and Information
NCSL Contact: Heather Morton, 303-830-2200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Technology Management
HB 1811
Signed by governor 6/15/01, Chapter No. 261
Creates State Technology Office within Department of Management
Sponsor:  Committee on Information Technology
SB 1672
Signed by governor 6/6/01, Chapter No. 175
Creates Digital Divide Council in State Technology Office.
Sponsor:  Appropriations Committee
HR 207
Adopted 5/23/01
Creates the Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science Study
Commission to study and report on the benefits, application, and
creation of three-dimensional high-technology communities in
Sponsor:  Representative Younge
LD 1681
Signed by governor 5/30/01, Chapter 321
Requires state and local governments to include notice of their
information practices on their publicly accessible sites on the
Internet to inform the public about what information is being
collected, how it will be used, how to access and correct information
and what security measures are taken to prevent improper use of the
information.  Requires state agencies to include in their review
under the State Government Evaluation Act an analysis of their
information practices and their use of information technology.
Creates a commission to examine public concern about collection of
personal information by governmental entities and to create a
comprehensive information practices law governing collection and
management of personal information by governmental entities.
LD 1759
Signed by governor 6/12/01, Chapter 388
Changes the membership of the InforME Board to give the Commissioner
of Administrative and Financial Services or the commissioner's
designee a seat instead of the Director of the Bureau of Information
Services.  Expands the Board of the Maine Governmental Information
Network to include the Chief Information Officer within the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services as a member.
Creates the position of Chief Information Officer.  Expands the
membership of the Maine Criminal Justice Information System Policy
Board to include the Chief Information Officer of the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services.
Sponsor:  Senator Pendleton
North Carolina
HB 1090
Signed by governor 6/7/01, Chapter 171
Provides that the President of the North Carolina Rural Economic
Development Center shall serve as an ex officio member of the Rural
Internet Access Authority.
Sponsor:  Representative Tolson
North Dakota
SB 2043
Signed by governor 5/1/01
Amends the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Information
Technology Committee and the Information Technology Department.
Sponsor:  Legislative Council
HB 2914
Signed by governor 6/15/01
States that any requirement of the Department of Information
Resources or the Texas State Library and Archives Commission that
generally applies to one or more state agencies using electronic
records or electronic signatures is considered to be a recommendation
to the comptroller concerning the electronic records or electronic
signatures used by the comptroller.
Sponsor:  Representative Bonnen
  Electronic Filing
HB 1070
Signed by governor 6/1/01, Chapter 234
Requires a candidate committee, political committee, issue committee,
or political party to include when registering with the appropriate
officer a statement of any intent to electronically file reports
required by the "Fair Campaign Practices Act" that may be filed
electronically on a web site operated and maintained by the secretary
of state.  Specifies that a report required to be filed with a county
clerk and recorder who has the technology available to access the
Internet shall be deemed properly filed if filed electronically with
the secretary of state.  Requires the secretary of state to modify
the existing electronic filing system or create a new system to
enable electronic filing and posting of documents.
Sponsor:  Representative Hodge
SB 1852
Signed by governor 5/31/01, Chapter 122
Provides for electronic remittance of fees from the court clerks to
the Department of Revenue (DOR); provides for remittance by DOR to
various trust funds and agencies; provides for remittance of all
moneys collected by clerks of court for state to DOR; provides for
remittance of funds to DOR and deposit in designated trust fund.
Sponsor:  Finance and Taxation
SB 1880
Signed by governor 6/8/01, Chapter 195
Redefines term "electronic transmission" to include telegrams,
cablegrams, telephone transmissions, and transmissions through
Internet for purposes of proxy voting; specifies those persons who
may vote on behalf of shareholder; authorizes Department of State to
discount filing fee in amount equal to convenience charge imposed for
electronic record filing by way of contractor.
Sponsor:  Judiciary
SB 524
Signed by governor 6/13/01, Chapter 559
Authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety to
establish a program for the electronic submission and storage of
documents relating to the registration and title of vehicles.
Sponsor:  Committee on Transportation
HB 2691
Signed by governor 6/15/01
Relating to procedures for the electronic transfer of voter
registration applications by certain voter registration agencies.
Sponsor:  Representative Madden
  Public Records
HB 397
Signed by governor 5/29/01, Chapter 70
Amends provision which provides exemption from public records
requirements for personal identifying information given to Department
of Transportation, county, or expressway authority for purpose of
prepaying electronic toll facility charges by check, credit card, or
charge card.
Sponsor:  State Administration
LD 1681
Signed by governor 5/30/01, Chapter 321
Requires state and local governments to include notice of their
information practices on their publicly accessible sites on the
Internet to inform the public about what information is being
collected, how it will be used, how to access and correct information
and what security measures are taken to prevent improper use of the
information.  Requires state agencies to include in their review
under the State Government Evaluation Act an analysis of their
information practices and their use of information technology.
Creates a commission to examine public concern about collection of
personal information by governmental entities and to create a
comprehensive information practices law governing collection and
management of personal information by governmental entities.
SB 1820
Adopted 1/18/01
Requires that all formal sessions of the Senate during which the
general appropriation bill is considered is webcast live on the
Internet, if not broadcast on live television.
AB 60
Signed by governor 6/8/01, Chapter 484
Requires a public body to post a notice of its meetings on its
website on the Internet if the public body maintains such a website.
Sponsor:  Assembly Member Beers
SB 77
Signed by governor 5/24/01
Authorizes the head of any municipal department, commission, bureau
or board to have any or all records kept by the official, department,
commission, bureau or board photographed, micro-photographed, photo-
stated, reproduced on film or stored on optical or hard disk.
Sponsor:  Senator Helton
HB 59
Signed by governor 6/16/01
Makes a voter information guide for judicial elections available to
the public on the Internet.
Sponsor:  Representative Cuellar
HB 1712
Signed by governor 6/14/01
Requires the State Bar of Texas to create an online profile of each
attorney licensed in Texas.
Sponsor:  Representative Maxey
HB 2589
Signed by governor 6/11/01
Relating to the required posting of information on a state agency's
Internet site and to the security, confidentiality, and management of
certain information.
Sponsor:  Representative Hochberg
  Services and Information
HB 1210
Signed by governor 5/23/01, Chapter 171
Authorizes the Department of Revenue to hold hearings on revocations
of drivers' licenses electronically.
Sponsor:  Representative Sinclair
SB 1850
Signed by governor 5/31/01, Chapter 122
Creates the Department of Revenue Clerks of Court Trust Fund.
Sponsor:  Finance and Taxation
SB 2220
Signed by governor 6/15/01, Chapter 251
Authorizes governmental agencies to acquire, hold and enforce
copyrights for data processing software they create; authorizes sale
or license of such software; provides requirements for electronic
recordkeeping systems and for access to public records in such
systems; prohibits contracts for public records databases that impair
public access to such records.
Sponsor:  Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs
SB 1011
Signed by governor 5/29/01, Act 178
Establishes a special fund to help support the operation and
maintenance of the statewide planning and geographic information
system and enables the Office of Planning to charge fees for
statewide geographic information system services.
Sponsor:  Senator Bunda
HR 263
Adopted 5/25/01
Directs the Auditor General to conduct an audit of each State officer
and agency that maintains a World Wide Web site and determine whether
the officer or agency uses technology that allows it to track the
browsing or buying habits of Internet users.
Sponsor:  Representative Lang
AB 529
Signed by governor 6/6/01, Chapter 431
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Human Resources for
software and computer equipment for the Nevada rural health
communications system.
Sponsor:  Committee on Ways and Means
SB 435
Signed by governor 6/6/01, Chapter 468
Makes an appropriation to the Division of Mental Health and
Developmental Services of the Department of Human Resources for new
and replacement equipment, maintenance, and new and replacement
computer hardware and software at the Nevada Mental Health Institute.
Sponsor:  Committee on Finance
SB 446
Signed by governor 6/8/01, Chapter 501
Makes an appropriation to the Department of Human Resources for new
and replacement equipment and computer hardware and software for the
Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services.
Sponsor:  Committee on Finance
North Carolina
SB 1070
Signed by governor 5/31/01, Chapter 142
Establishes a dispute resolution procedure to assist the Office of
Information Technology in the collection of fees related to
information technology services provided by the Office.
Sponsor:  Senator Miller
SB 262
Signed by governor 6/19/01
Permits State Board of Education to adopt standards for Oregon
electronic student records.  Allows approved educational institutions
to participate in Oregon electronic student record program.
Sponsor:  President of the Senate
HB 35
Signed by governor 6/13/01
Specifies that a meeting of a governmental body may be held by
videoconference call only if a majority of the quorum of the
governmental body is physically present at one location of the
Sponsor:  Representative McClendon
HB 249
Signed by governor 6/14/01
Authorizes a state agency's information resources manager to prepare
reports on the extent to which the computer technology and
electronically stored information of a state agency or a state
contractor are vulnerable to unauthorized access or harm.
Sponsor:  Representative Pitts
HB 1535
Signed by governor 6/11/01
Creates an electronic motor vehicle lien system.
Sponsor:  Representative Davis
SB 625
Signed by governor 6/13/01
Authorizes the clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals to maintain
writs and other records and documents in an electronic storage
Sponsor:  Senator Duncan
SB 1458
Signed by governor 6/15/01
Relating to the management of state agency and local government
electronic projects, equipment, and contracts, to the purchase and
use of certain advanced technological equipment, and to the use of
outside personnel by the comptroller of public accounts.
Sponsor:  Senator Duncan

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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