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This morning I e-mailed Luther Krueger with the Minneapolis Police
Department. I suggested that he share a 400 word essay with DO-WIRE
about efforts in Minneapolis to use online tools for crime
prevention.  In record DO-WIRE essay submission time, below is his

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   "Krueger, Luther"
Subject:                Essay
Date sent:              Thu, 2 May 2002 11:15:27 -0500

We moderate an interactive email list for crime prevention in the
Downtown Command with the Minneapolis Police Department ("Governments
Using Forums to Serve Public Purposes - Cyber CrimePrevention"
<http://www.mail-archive.com/do-wire@tc.umn.edu/msg00459.html>, April
24). As with most email forums, we allow our subscribers--members of
the community--to post. We focus on crime-related topics Downtown.

Participants can post:  Suspect pictures from security cameras, crime
stats and maps, questions about crime patterns or specific procedures
in reporting and addressing various crimes, traffic advisories, and
notices for meetings of interest to our community partners.

Our community partners are often surprised that so much information
can be shared; many in law enforcement remain apprehensive about
sharing information even though it's considered public by statute.
But we know that participants come up with longer-term solutions when
they know more about the crimes they are concerned about--truly,
"Information is Power". Further, our power as a police department is
not diminished, so long as the information shared does not jeopardize
on-going investigations.

Finally, the MPD stockpiles tons of information that may or may not
be released to the public.  But the private sector--property
managers, security personnel, workers, residents--often has as much
or more information which they are not bound by law to keep under
wraps.  And when the community's alerts, and inquiries are posted
side-by-side with our notes, they know that our partnership is one of

I recently presented at the East Coast Conference on Community
Policing* and found the tide is shifting.  Most officers I spoke with
are eager to share information and develop similar partnerships.
Technology remains an obstacle--not that they don't have the
technology, but ironically the I.T. gatekeepers are so seldom
consulted, they have no precedent in extracting data for their own
internal use.  We're fortunate to have many data-mining experts who
can package the information we need to get out.

Where is this leading us?  The Chief has stated at many community
meetings, eventually it should be possible for any Minneapolitan to
log in and get any and all information that's considered public, in a
format useful for neighborhood associations, block clubs, business
groups, etc.  In the meantime we reach a happy medium wherein we
develop localized partnerships with those who can help us reduce the
incidents of specific crimes or in specific areas, using information
we can reasonably extract for their use and ours.

* My PowerPoint presentation can be reviewed at

CPS  Luther Krueger  612-673-2923
Minneapolis Police Department, Downtown Command SAFE
29 5th St. So., Minneapolis MN  55402      fax: 612-370-3900
Monthly crime stats by neighborhood in Minneapolis are located at:

The Downtown Command never sleeps.

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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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Launched in January 1998, DO-WIRE now connects over 2400
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around the world. If you are interested in democracy online,
which includes politics online, new media, e-governance,
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Each week, well known e-democracy expert and speaker Steven
Clift <http://publicus.net> forwards, with occasional
analysis, up to seven carefully selected messages.  Posts
include news, article, and report web links, event and
conference announcements, calls for papers, and often
uncover important "primary source" online resources,
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In the end, comments from DO-WIRE members are the best
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E-Democracy E-Book, Future of E-Democracy

Democracy online trends from the last decade are explored in
Steven Clift's "E-Democracy E-Book."  Themes previously
covered by DO-WIRE are summarized in this article. The E-Book,
the new Future of E-Democracy article, presentations, and
highlighted posts are available online from:


Please forward this message to others who are interested in
networking with others across the global democracy online
community.  If you have a web site, please add links as
appropriate.  Thanks.
                                            1 MAY 2002
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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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