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The "information commons" is picking up some new currency in the United
States.  Over the years, I have seen similar concepts cycle through
different parts of the world - from community networking efforts in Canada
<http://www.tc.ca/bc2001.txt> in the mid-1990s to my own early scribblings
about the Public Internet <http://www.publicus.net/pi>. Below are a number
of links to more recent reports and articles.

My general conclusion is that most current "public interest" activity
online exists because of commercial or governmental activity.  The biggest
barrier to developing sustainable collaborative "non-profit" online
ventures (that don't collapse the shoulders of one individual) is the
creation of the coordinating host mechanism and the resources required
make such a thing work.  For example, if YahooGroups fails to generate a
profit and a shutdown is ever threatened, I'll put out a call to develop a
non-profit to take and seek to sustain the most fundamentally important
online service in the world today (or at least to the freedom of
association online.)  How would you construct and fund such an
organization?  Big question.

In the end, any inferior web site/online effort will fail to attract users
no matter their ideological/profit motive purity.  The non-profit online
services that work, understand that what they deliver is more important
than who they are and their public interest philosophy and approach.  I
think our challenge is to find ways that build from public interest
motivation in such a way that they truly build better and more cost
effective forms of online content and interactivity.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

New "Information Commons" Reports, Articles, and Legislation:

* Saving the Information Commons - Report (83 pp.)
New America Foundation
By David Bollier
Co-Written by: Tim Watts

* An Information Commons for E-Learning - Working Paper
New America Foundation
By Thomas Kalil

(More articles are available from this source http://www.newamerica.net -
Select publications, reports.)

* Digital Promise:

Recent announcement:
S2603, a bill entitled the "Digital Opportunity Investment Trust Act," was
introduced in the Senate on June 11 by Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT),
joined by Sen James M. Jeffords (I-VT).

Citing the precedent of the Land Grant Colleges Act, this act calls for
the establishment of a Digital Opportunity Investment Trust Fund to
support innovations in education, information, the arts, and culture. It
provides 50 percent of the revenues from future spectrum auctions to go to
the Fund, which will be used to award grants for training, education, and
for research in utilizing new telecommunications and information
technologies. Grants will be given to nonprofit public institutions that
work to enhance learning, broaden knowledge, encourage an informed
citizenry, and teach the skills needed in an information-based economy.

Go to the web site for the full text of this and similar House

* A number of items from Peter Levine's web site

Building the E-Commons:  A Project of the Democracy Collaborative
Can the Internet Rescue Democracy? Toward an On-line Commons
Public Telecommunications Service White Paper

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