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Below is the recent OJR newsletter.

Magazine: Smart-Mobbing the War, NYT - March 9, 2003
Eli Pariser and other young antiwar organizers are the first to be
using wired technologies as weapons. But some of the old difficulties
won't go away.

Comment: The Internet is most effective when opposition is a unifying
theme.  Once/if hostilities start, the use of the online medium in
the U.S. to support our troops <http://www.defendamerica.mil> against
those who continue to protest will vastly outweigh general opposition
efforts online.  I found this comment from the article most revealing
about how Moveon.org effectively moves on:

        "After an invasion, moveon.org's Wes Boyd believes the movement may
        become more polarized. Perhaps groups like ANSWER will continue to
        oppose American foreign policy in its totality, while moveon.org's
        membership will turn its fund-raising power to Democratic
        presidential politics."

Building and maintaining momentum online, means you have to
continuously adjust based on the general mood of the larger public
you are trying to reach.  I do expect that outside the U.S. the Net
will still primarily be used for opposition to military action.  If
there is ever a time that we will see spam-based political "e-wars"
among various camps this will probably be it.

>From the Washington Post:

The War on the Web
Rallying Around the Flag Online

By Cynthia L. Webb
washingtonpost.com Staff Writer
Friday, March 14, 2003; 10:07 AM

While it's difficult to classify any group as "pro-war,"
organizations supporting President Bush's tough stand on Iraq are out
in force on the Internet, using message boards, Web logs, online
petitions and e-mail to rally support for using force to disarm Iraq
and remove Saddam Hussein from power.


Also from the NYT - Like Online Dating, With a Political Spin:
Planting seeds by sharing content on DoWire can help you get noticed:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00612.html

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

P.S. Does anyone know the story here:
Also of note: http://operationdearabby.net/

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Date sent:              Thu, 13 Mar 2003 16:40:29 -0800
From:                   Online Journalism Review <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [OJR] Covering the Next War Online

Welcome to the OJR Newsletter for Thursday, March 13, 2003

Hello OJR Readers,

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Have you been reading OJR's daily dispatch of
international online journalism news?

Click here to subscribe to our daily newsletter:
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Here's what's new on OJR ...

"Covering the Next War Online"

In the first of a two-part series, OJR examines how technology
has changed war coverage.

In the event of a -- now increasingly likely -- second war in the
Gulf, technology may level the media playing field. But will the
Internet go head-to-head with broadcast news outlets in covering it?
By Dermot McGrath.


March 13: "Will War Pay for ABC's Web-Only Channel?"
March 12: "Coming Attractions Moves to Cinescape"
March 3: "The Net's a Natural for War, Conflict"

Headlines from OnlineJournalism.com:

"ABC to launch first 24-hour live online news service"
"Online journalist gears up for war"
"Putting online news ads in context"
"Soldiers' e-mails from the Gulf may be monitored"

Click here to subscribe to our daily newsletter:

Have a good week,


Recently on OJR

"Teaching Convergence"

Multi-platform journalism, or convergence, is heralded as
the future of news and j-school education. OJR provides a
look at some ways of dealing with the growing pains of this
new curriculum.  By Laura Castaņeda.


OJR announces the launch of a new sister publication: Japan Media
Review. Located on the Web at http://www.japanmediareview.com

This week's lead story: Japan's largest newspaper Web siites get
hundreds of millions of page views per month. But many new media
pioneers are still unsure where news sites fit into the media mix in
Japan -- and whether they'll ever make money.

"Breaking News Breaking Down"

In the recent club fire in Rhode Island, online news sites' ability
report recent breaking news events was remarkably uneven. Some
some failed and some required passwords. By Staci D. Kramer.

OJR is the USC Annenberg
Online Journalism Review
On the Web at http://www.ojr.org

A publication of the
Annenberg School for Communication at the
University of Southern California.

Dead links?  Typos?  Check out OJR on the Web at


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Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
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