After much debate and careful consideration in light of the many
emails (many of which were passionate and full of incitement), Arabeyes 
regretfully announces the suspension of its current participation
pending further review of Fedora's upcoming policy.  This decision was
not made hastily nor without debate, but in light of all the recent
changes/discussions and Fedora's lack of appreciation and recognition of
Arabeyes' efforts and its team-centric attitude, it was decided that it
is best if Arabeyes steps aside. The decision was made by Arabeyes
'core' managers as well as 3 of the key Fedora translators who have 
noted losing any interest in working on the Fedora translation project 
(note, the vote was 6 to 1 in favor of suspension).

We don't believe our feelings are unique with this regard in the
Open Source community with respect to the approach and conduct
regarding translations.  We do, however, think its in Fedora's and the
Open Source community's best interest to consider a more team 
encouraging approach to localization projects. It was a shame to see
such a trivial issue mushroom out of control.  Arabeyes' intentions 
were/are not to 'take control' of anything but rather to unify all 
aspects of Arabic contributions (including translations) across Open 
Source software (scattered and disorganized attempts failed in the 

This is the last we are going to say about this topic and we humbly 
request all Arabeyes members to simply forgo this topic entirely --  
we've said all we want to say.

Those who are looking to know the truth behind Arabeyes and its
achievements should visit its homepage and study its contributions
and compare them to those making unjust accusations.  We work
transparently and expect others to do the same.


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