--- Ayman Hourieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Salam,
> I read the HOWTOs, installed gTranslator, and I'd like to the join
> the
> GNOME translation project, would you please assign something for me
> to
> do.
> Thanks :)
> Ayman

Salam Ayman,

Well it looks like your eager to get started :). Now what you need to
do is read the CVS HOWTO and get a CVS account :) (If you haven't done
that already)


I know this all seems too beaurucratic to you but bear with me. Now, as
for assigning you some work, I actually don't have the authority to do
that myself, but what the heck :), our maintainer isn't here but no one
else is working on any files anyway so I'm sure he won't mind :)

I think you should probably work on: glimmer.po, which is under the
gnome/extras branch. Does anyone have any objection to this? guys?

Don't worry about making mistakes. Make as many mistakes as you wish.
Nothing is irreversible. In fact the more mistakes you make the better
as you learn how we do things quicker that way. Even if you have
experience in translation, it'll take you a while until you can
translate 'the Arabeyes way' ;). I will be reviewing every change you
make and will be happy to offer any kind of help you need and answer
any questions.

Oh, and please please please don't use gtranslator! Use kbabel instead,
as gtranslator is a little too buggy, and can break a file.

And finally, I would just like to say welcome aboard! Looking forward
to working with you :)


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