======= At 2006-03-21, 09:26:13 you wrote: =======

>السلام عليكم و رحمة الله،
>       One of the main problems of arabization is the lack of a complete 
> technical 
>dictionary. As you may notice, our existing translation effort lacks many 
>quality norms, including grammar and spelling errors, lack of consistency 
>between the different project', no standardization of some problematic arabic 
>rules, literal translation, poor quality of style and excessive number of 
>equivalent for the same term. In short words: Everything to make the arab 
>user steer away the arab desktop.
>       In the past of Arabeyes, it was suggested to create a "Quality 
> Assurance 
>Committee" or QAC ( Google: site:lists.arabeyes.org QAC). 
I totally agree, As a member I think I can help, but how? this is a "virtual 

>The projects main 
>goals were: Standardization of Arabic translations of interfaces, documents, 
>etc. ,Review of the quality of translations and Arabic documentation and The 
>settings of procedures to follow to attain goals as the committee sees fit 
>(wiki.arabeyes.org/QAC). Unfortunately, the project didn't succeed at all 
>until now. It is sure that the QAC idea is very crucial to Arabeyes, and 
>that's why we can't go any further without reviving it.

المشكلة أن المجموعة تبدو كـ (مجموعة تعريب باللغة الإنكليزية)!!!!!
العمل بالعربية والتراسل بالعربية سيكشف الكثير من ثغرات التعريب ونواقصه
ويدفعنا إلى حلها.. والعمل على حلها سيدفعنا للعمل معاً على وضع ضوابط ومعايير 
لهذه المهمة أساساً

>       I think that the first thing to do is to create a unified dictionary. 
> Unlike 
>the QAC terms (http://cvs.arabeyes.org/viewcvs/translate/misc/), this should 
>be a detailed dictionary and glossary. It should include: The english term, 
>the arabic equivalent, definitions in Arabic and English, suggestions and 
>reasons to adopt this equivalent. It should also be divided into categories 
>(For example, Office, System, Multimedia ...) to put the word in its context 
>and to work category by category.
>       The reasons why I propose to make it very detailled are to convince, 
> and to 
>propose it to the ALECSO/Bureau of coordination of arabization as a 
>complement or correction to their existing dictionary 
>( www.arabization.org.ma ) as suggested by Youcef 
>(http://lists.arabeyes.org/archives/doc/2005/March/msg00040.html). I'd try to 
>contact them either directly or via the EMI (www.emi.ac.ma) as they were 
>effective participants in their project. So not only we will solve a big 
>Arabeyes issue, we will also be setting standards إن شاء الله - in oppostion 
>to Microsoft which is kind of copyrighting its glossary,- and as well, 
>proposing a physical use of this dictionary via open source arabization. We 
>might also add french to it like the ALECSO's dictionary.
>       What do you think?

كيف تتوقع أن يتم تطوير القاموس ونقاشاتنا كلها بالإنكليزية؟
نعم المصطلحات التي سنعمل عليها الآن مؤقتة وغير مثالية..
ولكن تجربة تعريب (كتيب تقني) مهما بدت (ضعيفة) أو (غير معيارية) إلا أنها ستكون 
تجربة  غنية بالتأكيد..

Best regards, 
- Anas R.

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