This was posted on the dev@, a list some of you should be 
on even though documentation-related discussions are not that often.  The dev@ 
list is the list of record for certain matters.

The list post is something for our specialized lists to understand about how 
work gets done on the Apache OpenOffice project,

 - Dennis

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Food for thought: <>

The Apache OpenOffice project, and other Apache projects, are more like 
do-ocracies than any other form of project governance.  The distinct karma for 
committers and also PMC members is fundamentally related to the Foundation 
requirements concerning IP provenance of project code bases and other 
artifacts, although that is often referred to as a meritocracy arrangement.  

For example, no one on the Apache OpenOffice project has executive authority, 
although there are particular accountabilities for committers, PMC members, and 
the PMC Chair (who is an officer of the Foundation).

For another example, there are no assignments to give out or ways other than 
suggestion and recommendation to direct effort.  This is probably what is most 
confusing to outsiders and also to the many advocates for AOO who would like to 
see particular expressed needs met.  

 -- Dennis E. Hamilton    +1-206-779-9430  PGP F96E 89FF D456 628A
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