Ideally You should go through the changes one, by one anseither accept
them or reject them. However, there is a bug that makes that difficult
if there are more than 4 or 5 changes. I will try to track that bug down
and raise its priority to hopefully get it fixed.
I see no reason given the known bug of accepting the changes and then
making any new changes as necessary.
F Campos Costero wrote:
I finished my review of the first three chapters of the Writer Guide. After
I pushed the commits, it occurred to me that I probably should have
accepted all of Keith's edits that were in place when I fetched the
documents. Does anyone object to a standard process of accepting all
previous Tracked Changes and making new commits only with new edits or
revisions of the previous ones? I have found that having a large number of
tracked changes makes documents unwieldy and even unstable.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 6:09 PM F Campos Costero <>
Sorry, I got myself confused. I incorporated Czeslaw's changes into the
Getting Started Guide chapters 2 and 3 and did another pass through those
chapters. I am just starting the review of the Writer guide. My comments
above about folder structure apply to the Getting Started Guide but they
will apply to the Writer Guide soon.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 12:38 PM F Campos Costero <>
I just assigned the reviews of chapters 2 and 3 to myself. These are both
done, actually, as I worked on them over the weekend. I took the version of
the two chapters from the ForWiki folder, edited them (Czeslaw's changes
plus a few minor changes of my own) and saved them in the Review folder.
This was all done on my local computer. The local Review folder now
contains my new versions of chapters 2 and 3 plus the previously existing
review versions of all the other chapters. How do you want to handle those
older "review" versions? Should I delete them, since they are, I suppose,
superseded by the files in the ForWiki folder?
There are also copies of all the chapters in the folder one level up from
the ForWiki and Review folders. They seem to be, at the moment, duplicates
of the versions in ForWiki. Do we need those? I would think that we need,
at most, two copies of the files, one representing what is on the wiki and
another that is the working copy. We could just have a single visible
version and just be diligent about tagging the versions that get posted to
the wiki, but I'm fine with whatever people are comfortable with. Three
copies, though, seems like more than is necessary.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 10:47 AM Keith N. McKenna <> wrote:
I had a conversation with infra today as I was not able to assign you
either. What you have to do is go ti and link
your ASF id there. Than you should be able to assign yourself, or I can
assign you. In issues only committers or those with the triage privilege
can be assigned to issues.
Please let me know how it works out.
F Campos Costero wrote:
Hi Keith,
I was going to assign myself to issue 95, the review of chapter 2, but
I do
not see any way to do that. Do I need to be granted some authority or
am I
not seeing something obvious? My github user id is FJCC.
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 1:06 PM Keith N. McKenna <>
Thanks Francis
F Campos Costero wrote:
I hope I can start to review the documents before the end of next
week. I
have another thing I have to work on for a few more days. Once I'm
I'll pick an issue.
On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 1:32 PM Keith N. McKenna <>
A second review of Chapters 1-3 of the Writer Guide are needed.
Assign yourself to the GitHub issues and review.
Francis if you cannot assign yourself, let me know which you will
do and
gn you.and I will assi
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