Title: DocBook HTML Help stylesheet support for Xalan?

This question is for Jirka Kosek in particular, but anyone else if they know. Jirka, I remember reading somewhere (one of the README files?) that the DocBook HTML Help stylesheet (under docbook\contrib\htmlhelp) currently supports XT, but not Xalan. If this is correct, I'm curious to know whether a similar stylesheet for Xalan is under development, and if so, approximately when it will be available (subject, of course, to acts of the deity of your choice, lack thereof, or other sundry permutations).

Also, I want to express my appreciation for the tremendous work you, Norm, and everyone else, have been doing on the stylesheets, the DTD, and so on. Through your efforts, you have made so many people's lives easier!

Beth Fischi
Technical Writer
BroadJump, Inc.

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