There may be more of the tex file needed, but the tex fragment is missing a
closing brace.

Or is it that it is missing an opening \{. hmmm.

> -----Original Message-----
> Here is the DocBook fragment:
> <glossterm>&lcub;&lt;str1&gt;,&lt;str2&gt; ...&rcub</glossterm>
> Here is what OpenJade produces by the way of TeX:
> >{1}\def\KeepWithNext%
> >{1}}\{<str1>,<str2> ...\}\def\HeadingText{%
> >\<str1>,<str2> ...\}%
> >\endHeadPar{}\endNode{}\Node%
> Here is the error pdfjadetex gives:
> >Runaway definition?
> >->\<str1>,<str2> ...\}\endHeadPar {}\endNode {}\Node {\def
> \Element {\ETC.
> >! File ended while scanning definition of \HeadingText.
> ><inserted text>
> >                }

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