We've been running a CVS repository with access in local mode on Windows NT
for a couple of years with no problems (that could be related to Windows
NT). We are though, for reasons other than stability, now switching to
running the repository on a Linux box with access in pserver mode.

I'd suggest that you

- at the very least grab the most recent version 
  from http://www.cvshome.org/dev/codewindow.html
- consider the NT port at http://www.cvsnt.com 
  (site seems to be down at the moment)
- study the instructions at 
- consider using the cygwin port of cvs, 
- consider setting up a Linux or *BSD box for the
  repository, it isn't that complicated
- track the 'Better CVS' project at 
- track the 'subversion' project at 

and while you are at it, why not also have a look at 


kind regards
Peter Ring
Forlaget MAGNUS A/S

-----Original Message-----
From: M. Wroth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 3:25 AM
To: Dan York; Mike Broschinsky
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Revision control for DocBook SGML/XML documents

In a pure Windows NT environment, the CVS page says

The second way is known as "local" or "non-client/server" CVS. This lets you
run CVS if you have only Windows machines. However, due to issues (a) with
local CVS on Windows, and (b) with the suitability of Windows as a server
operating system in general, we would generally recommend this more to try
out CVS and get a feel for it rather than for production use

and this tracks with my attempts to use it.  I've tried twice, and both
times failed to get the CVS system to be stable.  Given that, I'm a little
skeptical of CVS in the NT environment.

RCS, OTH, seems to work fine.

At 12:00 PM 4/25/01 -0400, Dan York wrote:

> thought I might use GNU RCS.

I would *strongly* encourage you to look at CVS instead of RCS.  MUCH better
is so many ways... (and CVS evolved out of the work on RCS but uses a
versus locking model)


and specifically:


where there are instructions for that other operating system.  ;-)

Mark B. Wroth

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