At 04:12 PM 5/2/01 +0100, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>Deborah Greenberg Lidl writes:
> > 
> > I tried:
> > 
> >     (define %title-font-family%
> >           "sans-serif italic")
>sorry, dont take me too literally. I have no idea how the styles
>work. you need to set the "family" to Helvetica, and the "style" to
>italic. dont ask me how...
> > docs.  I do need to specify a specific font (Helvetica Oblique) rather
> > than just a font type (sans-serif italic).
> > 
>you need a more flexible stylesheet that lets you specify more than
>just family

If you look through the DSSSL stylesheets, you will find that (make
paragraph ...) and (make sequence ...) (I think) accept a font-posture:
attribute, which is where you would put 'italic, 'upright or 'bold etc. I
don't think that this is well catered for in the DSSSL stylesheets, and is
perhaps something that should be changed.

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