We're using DocBook 3.1, DSSSL 1.3 on linux.

HTML builds in our present system build links to procedures faithfully, but the
<A NAME ...> reference is missing from the procedure output itself. So you click
on a link to a given procedure, but nothing happens.

Xrefs to steps *do* work however.

Is this problem unique to our setup, or is it a known issue with 3.1? If so, do
later versions of either DocBook or DSSSL fix the problem?

At any rate, I would imagine that it's a simple fix for anyone experienced with
DSSSL, which I'm not. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Westcombe

Documentation Manager
Gaming and Entertainment Technology (GET)

Level 4
6 Help St
Chatswood NSW 2067

ph  02-9419-2000
fax 02-9410-1006


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