Sorry, I must correct my own mail: I'm not printing a <set>, the problem
is with a <book> type document, which contains <part> partitions, and
some partition title pages appear on left pages with right aligned
pagenumbers - these pages should be forced to uneven pages, I think.

On Mon 07 May, Henning Hansen wrote:
> Using dsssl stylesheets, I have a problem with some pagenumbers being
> placed in the wrong side on <set> title pages, when setup for two-sided
> printed output.
> When a <set> title page appears on en even page, the pagenumber is

> printed in the right side instead of left.
> Actually, I think the right thing would be if all <set> and <chapter>
> title pages were forced to appear on uneven pages - can this be done?

Henning Hansen

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