That is the effect -- what I don't see is how it's accomplished.

At 06:50 AM 5/7/01 +0100, Dave Pawson wrote:
>At 05:29 AM 5/7/01, M. Wroth wrote:
> >Can someone give me a quick pointer to how the effect of taking an
> >arbitrary number of whitespace characters in the document and normalizing
> >them into a single space character is achieved?  The specific example is
> >the treatment of whitespace in a <para> (and other) element in the DocBook
> >DTD processed with the Modular DSSSL Style Sheets.
>The XML + XSLT effect (if its the same :-)
>is to strip all but one from a sequence of contiguous
>white space. Keep it all down to one space
>Wh sp = [CR TAB NL SP].
>Think its as simple as that. I guess the XML guys stole the idea
>from SGML, so its probably the same?

Mark B. Wroth

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