I am a new convert to Docbook, having discovered it doing a vague Google 
search for xml single source documentation.

I run the technical documentation department for a new software company (in 
fact, it's just me!).

My Holy Grail is a single-source documentation system, but it has to be 
Windoze based...

It must output to: HTML (I will then add a css stylesheet to add Company 
design elements to it), and PDF.

So far I have been able to hack my Docbook XML code in my text editor. Load 
the xml file into XMLSpy which validates it for me. I can then select an 
XSL template from within XMLspy and voila, there's my output.  This works 
beautifully for HTML and I have been able to produce an FO file too.

I have a few probs though:
Is there an XSL template for RTF output?
My XMLSpy freebie month is about to run out and I need to try out the 
alternatives before I buy it - what does the list suggest?
I don't want to output to FO directly because I will need to do some 
Company colourscheme adjustments before I print... My instinct with PDF is 
to output to RTF, clean it up, add page breaks, add a nice cover page etc 
in Word (I can hear the sharp intake of breath!) and then print to the 
Acrobat Distiller.

Any comments or ideas that can help?


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