
> Thanks enormously for taking the time to set this all up. Although I
> haven't yet had the chance to look at it, I'm expecting that it will be
> incredibly useful.
You are welcome... and I hope it is helpful.

The whole reason I used DocBook for this presentation was that I got really
sick of using StarOffice (and before that Applixware) for slides, and I
just did not feel like learning how to use MagicPoint (which numerous 
friends/colleagues in the Linux/open source world had suggested).
So since I already do so much with DocBook, and since Norm had a Slides
doctype, I just had to check it out... and it wasn't that hard to figure
out once I started working with it.  

I used 'xsltproc' to generate this particular set of slides, but I also had
previously used Xalan and Saxon to generate slides.


P.S. FYI, Norm's tutorials show other examples at:


His "Introducing DocBook" one also shows what the NavBar should look like with
collapsing sections in the frames view:


Dan York, Director of Training        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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e-smith, inc. 150 Metcalfe St., Suite 1500, Ottawa,ON K2P 1P1 Canada
http://www.e-smith.com/            open source, open mind

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