"Bradford, Denis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would this also be the cause of the error below? 
> >java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet xmldiffmrg.xml htmlhelp.xsl
> Error
>   java.net.MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: d
> Transformation failed: run-time errors were reported

You're on Windows, right? And you've got something like this in your
doc instance:


I think the error message is saying your XSLT engine is confused by
the "d:" -- thinks it's trying to specify a protocol like http:, ftp:
or whatever.

The fix, I think, is to monkey with the number of slashes after the
real protocol identifier -- the "file:" part. That is, take a slash
out or put one more in, then try launching XSLT engine again.

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