/ Richard Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| I don't think Norm approves of gambling. I once told him that I won
| AU$20 after playing 8 hours of Mahjong, and he was mortified :-)

Must be some other Norm you're thinking of. Gambling isn't one of my
vices, but I don't mind if you play. :-)

Alas, I'm not sure what's wrong in the toolchain, font wise.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | There is no glory so bright but
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | the veil of business can hide it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | effectually. With most men life is
                                   | postponed to some trivial business
                                   | and so therefore is heaven. Men
                                   | think foolishly they may abuse and
                                   | misspend life as they please and
                                   | when they get to heaven turn over
                                   | a new leaf.--Thoreau

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