> From: Bill Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Does anyone know of a parameter that allows one to autonumber formal
> equations, or does this require customizing the XSLT scripts?

I'm not sure I follow.
In the DocBook XSL 1.44 stylesheets, formal equations
are already autonumbered.  If an <equation> element
has a <title>, it is treated as a formal equation
and handled with the 'object.title.markup' mode
in common/gentext.xsl.  That mode
uses the text patterns in common/en.xml (or other
language if specified), and the equation
template under the title context is:

  <l:template name="equation" text="Equation %n. %t"/> 

This prints 'Equation 1.1. My equation title' when I try

If your equations don't have titles, then they are
treated as informal equations and are not numbered.
The DocBook Definitive Guide says that <equation>
will require a <title> in 5.0, and that <informalequation>
is for those equations without titles..

If your equations have titles and don't get numbers,
then something else is going on.

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
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                                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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