figured it.
Don't include <toc/> in the source XML.
Do set
xsl:param name="generate.division.toc" select="1" />
the switch off book/part/chapter using
<xsl:param name="generate.xxxx.toc" select='0' />
   where xxx is the appropriate division of the document.
<duh/> I think is the expression.

Regards DaveP

I note that chunking seems to have grown?
I see chunk.xsl chunker.xsl and chunker-experimental!

Any suggestions for a starting point please?
   I want to chunk at chapter level,
   in a book.

>I have a book, with parts/chapters.
>I want a toc 'near the front' but not tocs in each of the parts.
>Hence the source xml has
>and in my driver stylesheet
><xsl:param name="generate.division.toc" select="0" />
>param.xsl has
><xsl:param name="" select='1' doc:type='boolean'/>
>which is sort of contradictory, yes to book toc, no to 'divisions'.
>Perhaps a cleaner solution would be a list of params for each of
>the major divisions? Rather than collectives?
>   I don't understand why the <toc/> element isn't producing the toc.
>Regards DaveP
>I'm not getting any toc at all.
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