On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 10:27:14AM +0200, Yann Dirson wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> [moving this discussion to docbook-apps]
> On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 05:39:23PM +0200, The DeerBear wrote:
> > With the occasion of this first message I introduce myself.
> > My name is Andrew and I am a programmer.
> > I've been asked to write a docbook visual editor( that may become
> > open-source ) 
> We at Alcove are in the process to start working on the Thot editor (a
> generic editor for structured documents - part of the project is stall
> since '97), with the goal to add docbook support to it.  Thot is
> already Free-Software.  Maybe we can join our efforts to get it done
> faster and at a lower cost for everyone ?

  Thot is solid, but very old code. Those from the SGML area may recall
the company Griff, their products were based from this toolkit.

> Here is a little blurb I wrote to present it internally
>   Thot is a graphical editor for structured documents, based on
>   motif/lesstif ans on a generic library (thotlib), both developped at
>   INRIA in Grenoble. The last release of Thot occured in october '97.
>   Thotlib has continued to evolve within the W3C, as a base to the Amaya
>   browser/editor, where recently a port to Gtk was started (experimental
>   in Amaya 5.1).
>   Thot has the potential to be the WYSIWYG editor for DocBook which
>   we miss for the consistency of our documents.
> Refs:
>   http://www.inrialpes.fr/opera/pub/Thot/index.html
>   http://www.w3.org/Amaya/
> You can get old precompiled binaries to test it, but it looks like
> there are problems on GNU/Linux systems with a recent libc+toolchain -
> there will probably be some debugging to do (I already have a couple
> of build patches, but they're largely unsufficient).

  I have worked with Thot for now nearly a decade (I use Amaya for editing
HTML), and used to work on Amaya code 5 years ago.

> We'll probably set that up as a project on the sourceforge-like
> freesoftware.gnu.org, as soon as we're sure it makes no problem for
> the W3C/Amaya people (in CC).

  The code does a lot of things but really show it's age. It is still
tied to Motif, and finishing the Gtk port won't be a piece of cake.
  Before jumping on it people should really evaluate the pros and cons
of starting from this code base. There are both strong pros and strong
cons, as as much as I still enjoy using Amaya now, I'm also afraid
that starting from scratch or more recent code base would be a better
use of volunteers time.


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