Mark Derricutt wrote:

> > No. I suppose it could be arranged with some tweaks to the docbook.dsl
> > file, but the stylesheet has to process the whole document in order
> > to find the index terms. Why do you want to get the index without the
> > documents?
> Well I'm creating my document as a PDF, so don't really want the HTML
> files.  I suppose if I could it to use a different directory it'd be fine
> (I'm gonna modify my script to just cd to a temp dir, create the index,
> then clean up, which will do what I want.)

You can try to generate just single HTML file and throw it away by
redirecting output:

jade -t sgml -d docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.64/html/docbook.dsl -V
html-index -V nochunks jtime.sgm > /dev/null

If you are on Windows box, use nul instead of /dev/null


  Jirka Kosek                        

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