On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 11:14:25AM -0500, Matthew Kennedy wrote:
> sales.xml is a <book> which includes the entity ref userfiles.xml as a
> chapter. userfiles.xml includes the external file file1.png via an
> <imagedata fileref="images/file1.png"> element enclosed within the
> appropriate image/figure container elements.
> The problem/issue is that c8.html references the file1.png image via the
> URL "images/file1.png" when we had expected
> "userfiles/images/file1.png".
> Obviously they can correct this issue by specifying <imagedata
> fileref="userfiles/images/file1.png"> within userfiles.xml, but this
> doesn't seem as flexible as a relative reference to an image based on
> the actually entity ref that includes it.

One thing that may be correct in your case would be to use an absolute
path to your image file.  But that will produce non-movable HTML, and
will not be a general solution by any means.

I'm not sure whether jade makes enough information available to the
stylesheet to allow making the decision of messing with such

Maybe entityref is the way to go here ?  I never used it, so it's just
a wild guess.

> Is this the right solution or is it actually possible to have an
> imagedata fileref relative to an entity ref, relative to a base entity
> ref?

The DefinitiveGuide is quite vague on this point.  There is nothing,
neither in "processing expectations", nor in the "fileref"

Norm, probably there's something missing here ?

Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Free-Software Engineer                                Ingénieur Logiciel-Libre
Free-Software time manager             Responsable du temps Informatique-Libre

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