/ Ali Saffari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| But as soon as you work with DocBook or any other XML
| format, you have take extra care about merging. Most

Interesting. I've never had a problem.

| the merging algorithms doesn't care about any DTD ;-) I
| remeber someone has posted an XML-Diff tool to this
| list, but I can't remember who it was and where to get
| it. It might be a good help for you in case of merging
| problems.

It was me, it's http://www.sun.com/developers/diffmk (I think; I'm
offline right now).

But if you're getting invalid documents, that probably won't help.
It assumes that the two documents it's "diffing" are both at least
well formed.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Everything we love, no doubt, will
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | pass away, perhaps tomorrow,
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | perhaps a thousand years hence.
                                   | Neither it nor our love for it is
                                   | any the less valuable for that
                                   | reason.--John Passmore

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