Umm, nope.  I will submit I am looking at the RTF output.

I get exactly the same result with and without the <para> wrapper.
<listitem> starts a new paragraph with a hanging indent and <simplelist>
starts on a new line after that and still has the hanging indent, which is
why the first 5 chars are not seen, for each of the rows.  In fact, if you
drop the <para> wrapper I would like the <simplelist> to start on the same
line as the <listitem> does and not add the extra line if that were

For reference that is DSSSL 1.73 and Docbook 4.1.2 and Jade.

<offtopic>Is FO a display language in a similar manner to Docbook being a
semantic language?</offtopic>

> -----Original Message-----
> / Phillip Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> | Processing.  Is there any way to over-ride the inheritance 
> | of the paragraph settings on this element?
> Does this help:
> |    <varlistentry>
> |     <term><varname role="attibute">The only term in the variable
> | list</varname></term>
> |     <listitem>
> |      <simplelist>
> |        <member><guiicon>1st member</guiicon></member>
> |        <member><guiicon>2nd member</guiicon></member>
> |        <member><guiicon>3rd member</guiicon></member>
> |        <member><guiicon>4th member</guiicon></member>
> |       </simplelist>
> |     </listitem>
> |    </varlistentry>
> |   </variablelist>
> |  </sect1>
> | </article>
> (I took out the para wrapper)
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> -- 
> Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | certain: adj., insufficiently
> | analyzed
> Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |

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