I've been investigating external cross referencing with
olink for some time, and have developed a new way of doing
it using olink.  I've assembled a customization kit for the
new olink I've been working on.  This kit permits anyone to
form cross references between DocBook 4.1.2 documents and
have them resolved by the XSL 1.45 stylesheets.  Once it is
set up, it is easy to use.  Most of the effort is in setting it

I've put the kit (newolink.tar.gz) on my website
<http://www.sagehill.net/newolink.tar.gz> if you want to
pick it up and test drive it.  It includes the
customizations, example files, and a sample Makefile to
process the files (using xsltproc).  It includes a HOWTO
file with instructions for using the tools on your own

If you want to browse the toolkit files, I've also checked them
into the DocBook SourceForge CVS tree.  They are in:


You should be able to run the examples out
of your working directory if you fix a couple of paths.

One of the examples (modular.xml) illustrates how you
can use XInclude and this new olink to create modular
content files, where each module is a valid XML
document instead of a system entity.

This is the first release of this kit, and it doesn't have
all the features I would like to eventually see.  I'm
also pursuing this with the DocBook Technical Committee
to see how it fits in with future plans for DocBook.

Feedback is welcome.

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
Caldera International, Inc.                 fax:   (831) 429-1887
                                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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