On 10/4/02 8:17 pm, "Rankine, Alastair J (Alastair)" wrote:

> [Aside: it seems that also OpenJade has it's own problems - finding the
> correct combination of imagedata attributes, stylesheet customisations, and
> OpenJade commandline options has so far eluded me. And the recommendation to
> omit the filename extension and let TeX work it out does NOT seem to work for
> me, dammit!]

Having just gone through getting graphics working with
DSSSL/OpenJade/pdfjadeTeX, I finally succeeded with this:

1. I provide encapsulated PDF and PNG (vector and non-vector) versions of
graphics. EPDF for PDF output of vector artwork, and PNG for everything

2. Omit the file extension when referencing the graphics files.

3. BUT include the format attribute: format="PNG". Note that it can't be
"PDF" as that is not a valid value for the attribute.

4. BUT override the format attribute by having a "jadetex.cfg" file in the
same folder as the source XML file, with:


This makes pdfjadeTeX use the PDF if it is available in preference to the
PNG, despite the format attribute. If it isn't available, it will use PNG,
so you select what you want by what you make available.

The only problem that I haven't yet solved is that HTML doesn't work from
OpenJade yet because the file extension gets missed off.



From: Nick Hunt


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