
I got the new catalog resolver working. In the documentation, it does 
not state if there are default values for verbosity etc. I also was 
wondering in there was a resolution protocol for using a properties file 
and a system property? I would think that the system one would override 
the property file one. Thanks for adding the system properties Norm. It 
made integration with Ant easier so I don't need to change properties in 
two places.

The second question I have is about the actual catalog. I have the 
following based on previous usage of just pointing to the catalog.
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">

   <public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD XML DocBook V4.1.2//EN"
   <!-- docbookx.dtd? -->

The old one pointed at docbook.cat so I'm not sure if I should use 
following tag instead.
   id = id
   catalog = uri-reference
   xml:base = uri-reference />

Also about the import on the customization xsl which points to the 
stylesheets for docbook; does somebody have an example. Should I use 
rewrite or are there more than one way to do it?

Thanks for any help,

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