/ Jaime Irving Dávila Latorre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| I'm not sure if I got right this idea, because if I put some sort of
| markup on the source code, it will be presented verbatim (because the
| <programlisting> will be around the pre-processed code) on the html
| output. Do I need to twist my personal stylesheets so that the output of
| programlisting won't be processed verbatim?

Perhaps. If you just want to make keywords (for example) italic, but
you don't mind the verbatim font, you can use things like this:

some <emphasis>keyword</emphasis> in this line

If you want a non-verbatim font, you've got a much harder task ahead
of you because it'll be very difficult to get the horizontal alignment
right with a proportional font. In fact, I think you'll have to
use...ugh...tables to do it.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | The things we have most longed for
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | do not happen; or if they do, it
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is never at the time nor under the
                                   | circumstances when they could have
                                   | made us happiest.--La Bruy\`ere

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