Hi list,
I would like to get some feedback on how others actually write their
documents. And I don't mean those with one or two DocBook documents, but
those with tons of them.

Of special interest is: how do you handle stuff that reappears like
biblioentries, glossary, quotes, about the author. How do you keep it up
to date if it is included/refrenced in different documents.

To get started, I will now describe how I do it. However, otherwise I
would not write this mail, I am not really happy with this.

I wrote a tool that helps me manage my glossary, bibliography and
blockquotes and just copy those elements I need to a new document. This
works very good, except when I have to change something and have to find
all documents including those elements. I could just reference them
instead of inclusion, with entities for example, but then I might have a
lot of work if I switch to a different computer.

Any comments are appreciated


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