At 11:55 20/01/2003 -0800, Carlos Araya wrote:

If folks here think that's the way to go I'd agree (I do most of my web
design with CSS). You just need to be careful not to break all the existing
documents for people using older browsers.
Hi Carlos.

No problem with the backwards compatibility issues,
that's why I like the sequence;
we will do CSS at releast x.y
we are going to do it.
we have done it.

That approach allows the forewarning necessary to cater for it.

It could be that I use CSS differently, I use it for decoration, prettying up,
never for anything critical (not that I'd know how mind :-).
  I'd agree about the extent of CSS usage, although I'd favour
an approach where a minimal style sheet was available, we know the hooks
are there for deep CSS styling, and the remainder of the styling is done by
the docbook user. That way we can all use as much (or as little) as is needed
for our individual cases.

regards DaveP

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