this is a styling artifact of a bug in the new schema that was turned
into a feature

in the links you will find a workaround, i think

On 3/13/07, Fabrizio Gotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I try to insert a caption in a CALS table, the html output
contains its caption twice. For instance, the following valid docbook
document produces a table with the caption in the title as well as in
its "normal" place.

Is there a way to suppress the caption occurrence in the title?

I am using docbook 5, with Saxon 8B.

Thank you

Fabrizio Gotti


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book [<!ENTITY myent "My Entity" >]>
<book version="5.0" xmlns="";>

     <chapter xml:id="hello">
         <title>Chapter title</title>
             This is a small paragraph

         <table xml:id="ex.calstable" frame='all' shortentry="1">
             <title>Sample CALS Table (long title)</title>
             <titleabbrev>Short title</titleabbrev>
             <tgroup cols="1">
                     <row><entry><simpara>empty line</simpara></
                 <simpara>This is a caption, it should appear only

produces an html table like this:
Table 1.1. Sample CALS Table (long title)

This is a caption, it should appear only once.

[empty line]

This is a caption, it should appear only once.

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