I think your right Colin that it's nothing to worry about -- it's just
an annoyance. Interestingly, I manually removed the span="inherit"
from the fo file (it surrounds the Index title) -- the warning from
FOP went away and the PDF file looked ok too.


On 4/25/07, Colin Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm not sure that this is really anything to worry about.  I just checked
the XSL spec out of curiosity, and it doesn't seem to say anything that
indicates it is improper to use the "inherit" keyword on the property of an
FO object when its parent doesn't have the same property explicitly set. inherit
The property takes the same computed value as the property for the
formatting object's parent object.

That's all it really says.  Therefore, I assume that this is just a warning
that FOP generates, not necessarily indicating that the FO produced by the
DocBook XSL stylesheet is illegal.

If anyone believes otherwise, please correct me.


On 4/25/07, T.G. Mutato <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I've been using DocBook 4.5, XSL 1.72.0 and FOP 0.93 on Windows and
> noticed that whenever I run FOP on my DocBook source, I get the
> following:
> WARNING: span="inherit" on fo:block, but no explicit value found on
> the parent FO.
> Here's a simple example that demonstrates the warning:
> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
> "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd";>
> <book>
>   <bookinfo>
>     <title>My First Book</title>
>     <copyright><year>1998</year><holder>Jane
>   </bookinfo>
>   <chapter id="chapterone">
>     <title id="atitleid">
>       <indexterm>
>         <primary>a nice index entry</primary>
>       </indexterm>
>       Here's our Chapter Title
>     </title>
>     <sect1 id="sectionone">
>       <title>
>         <indexterm>
>           <primary>anothter nice index entry</primary>
>         </indexterm>
>         Here's our Section Title
>       </title>
>       <para>
>         Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In
> tortor nibh, facilisis ac, consectetuer eget, malesuada
>         molestie, augue. Etiam non nibh eget elit tincidunt commodo.
>       </para>
>     </sect1>
>   </chapter>
>   <index id="index"/>
> </book>
> Run the two commands:
> xsltproc --output testbook.fo pdfdoc.xsl testbook.xml
> fop.bat -fo testbook.fo -pdf testbook.pdf
> and you see the Warning output.
> The warning doesn't seem to be serious and I am not sure if it is an
> issue with the FO stylesheets or with FOP. Is there a good way to turn
> off the warning?
> Thanks,
> tgm
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