Marie Sauvage - EBM WebSourcing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2007-07-23 12:36 +0200:

>  3/ in html output, despite the abstract.notitle.enabled param, there is
>  still the "abstract" title... but maybe I have misunderstood the effect

No, you didn't misunderstand. I did :) That is a bug and the cause
of it is that the test I added to check the value of abstract.notitle.enabled
was testing the opposite of the condition it should have been
testing for. But I just now checked in a fix for it.

>    Finaly, the abstract.notitle worked but with zero as value, I wrote this
>    in my html.xsl :
>        <!-- suppress the abstract title" -->
>        <xsl:param name="abstract.notitle.enabled" select="0" />

OK, but note that after the 1.73.1 release, you'll need to change
that value to "1".


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